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  • Okem said:rootlesscosmo said:Okem said:rootlesscosmo said:LaserWolf said: These governments will have to learn to live together. Thousands of Palestinians and Israel's prove that it can be done every day. (Rootless am I right about the last p…
  • Okem said:rootlesscosmo said:LaserWolf said: These governments will have to learn to live together. Thousands of Palestinians and Israel's prove that it can be done every day. (Rootless am I right about the last point?) Over a million P…
  • LaserWolf said: These governments will have to learn to live together. Thousands of Palestinians and Israel's prove that it can be done every day. (Rootless am I right about the last point?) Over a million Palestinians live in Israel in…
  • Jonny_Paycheck said:@Rootless, Ratto penned a column about Pac Bell being the Giants' worst enemy. I thought it was their best friend. My A's resigned for 10 years at O.Co with the hope that Oakland will build them a new park on the same …
  • Duderonomy said:rootlesscosmo said:Thousands of Israelis protest the war. Hamas (in violation of the ceasefire) fire rockets. The demonstration is forced to disperse. Pretty good metaphor for the state of the Israeli left. Hama…
  • DOR said: turning once what was a decent and somewhat respectable name around the world into mud. now you know how some of us in the US feel dude. then again it's not like Obama inherited a very "respectable name around the world."
  • phongone said:I'm curious... do any of you guys believe that a two-state solution is feasible? I do... of course. it remains the only way forward.
  • I'm tempted to un-ignore kala for the lulz. but then I read his comments and it always backfires; I end up feeling sorry for him.
  • Lewis said:I would say a contemporary genocidal settler colonial ethnocratic apartheid regime currently getting away with wanton sadistic slaughter with impunity and bankrolled by the US is pretty unique as far as modern day abominations and deservi…
  • Jonny_Paycheck said:welp I keep seeing this. what does this expression mean?
  • DB_Cooper said:rootlesscosmo said:it's in our DNA to wonder. So you're saying Jewish people are genetically different? You know who else thought that? Hitler. GODWINED. …
  • Jonny_Paycheck said: I don't think "but they do it/are worse" is strong logic. Gotta look at the shit in its own context. again, I'd hate to have to resort to comparing Israel to Assad in order to comfort myself/justify anything. i don…
  • I think it's totally fair to *note* the disparity in levels of outrage between, say, an Israeli offensive that is at least arguably justified on some security grounds and, say, the Syrian regime's completely unjustifiable, sustained 3-yr offensive a…
  • Flomotion said:rootlesscosmo said:Lewis said: Five Israeli talking points debunked by Noura Erakat lol I know this girl. How do you rate the article? I don't really. We can argue about the definition of "occupation," and whethe…
  • Jonny_Paycheck said: at the same time, Israel is supported by billions of our tax dollars... it is *absolutely* our business. thoughts on why fools rampage in the streets of Berlin and Paris, though? obviously not blaming anyone …
  • Jonny_Paycheck said:wealthy, white pundits would it make you feel better if I showed you some non-white pundits who also want Hamas vanquished?
  • Lewis said: Five Israeli talking points debunked by Noura Erakat lol I know this girl.
  • just embarrassing. one extra base hit over the entire series vs. the Dodgers. ONE. extra. base. hit.
  • $11bn Qatar defense deal marks the biggest US arms sale this year
  • bassie said:Duderonomy said:DocMcCoy said: The fact that Hamas is bankrolled by a country that some believe has the long-term objective of propagating Wahhabism throughout the region and beyond - something that represents a serious threat to …
  • Duderonomy said:DocMcCoy said:Duderonomy said:It suggests that once they became a legitimate political party they dropped some of their extremism... probably because they were aware of how it looked to the rest of the world. Of course if they're nev…
  • bassie said:rootlesscosmo said:bassie said:It is the genocide of Palestinians.. and yet they insist on costly ground operations rather than simply bombing the Gaza strip to smithereens. and they continue to allow humanitarian aid in. …
  • bassie said:It is the genocide of Palestinians.. and yet they insist on costly ground operations rather than simply bombing the Gaza strip to smithereens. and they continue to allow humanitarian aid in. and they continue to treat…
  • RE: various suggestions to read the Hamas charter... From wiki: Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal indicated to Robert Pastor, senior adviser to the Carter Center, that the Charter is "a piece of history and no longer relevant, but cannot be chan…
  • Jonny_Paycheck said:thought this was a good take. In the long term, I shudder to think about the souls of people who lost two, three, or 18 family members to Israeli bom…
  • RE: various suggestions to read the Hamas charter... From wiki: Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal indicated to Robert Pastor, senior adviser to the Carter Center, that the Charter is "a piece of history and no longer relevant, but cannot be chan…
  • Duderonomy said:rootlesscosmo said: I've seen Breaking the Silence speakers several times. they are an extreme minority; they represent 0.001% of the IDF. the other 99.999%? most of them aren't thrilled to be standing at a checkpoint in t…
  • yeah a sweep would really ruin my weekend. Giants did have the cosmic misfortune of facing a dialed-in Hamels, Greinke and Kershaw over a three day span.
  • DocMcCoy said:This is quite an illuminating analysis of the differing perspectives between, on one hand, Labour MPs in the UK and, on the other, commentators in the Arab media. Arab leaders understand Hamas in a way that most Western politicia…