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  • The tracks probably don't qualify as But I'm just trying to contribute so don't me. Concrete Click - Keep It Street Show & AG - You Know Now Pete Rock & CL Smooth - We Specialize They are from, but I re-upped the…
  • duuuuude, tell me about it. I spliced that shit out of the mix just so I could listen to it on repeat. "We play hopscotch with live grenades, and we use unleaded gasoline for lemonade". Would you bo so kind as to up it for all to enjoy? Tanku
  • GOLD NUGGETS "sweltah" is
  • Duvet strut eh... Not that I can't appreciate a nice goose down duvet, but take that shit to Keep it real
  • Seriously, I like it. It sounds very Soulstrutter-esque. But what do I know, it could be the new 50 Cent instrumental. it's please identify!
  • I don't get how "it's a comic book" excuses shit. Maybe you guys think comic books should be held to a lesser standard but I always grew up thinking of comic books as far smarter and more sophisticated than most of the "adult" literary fare that got…
  • Spawn was one of the older attempts to turn comic into movie and I thought it was a decent "first try". ? Not one of the first attempts by a long shot. That's why I put it in "quotations", wasn't literal, just meant early days. It's so easy to…
  • I liked Batman Begins, especially after the last series of films went down the tubes after what the first Batman? And being that its based off a comic book, i don't reallky take the plot devices too seriously... I mean its a comic book they always h…
  • That part at the end when the latino dudes lil daughter runs out and tries to save him from getting shot (in the pic)...had me pretty choked up The most contrived and ridiculous scene from the most contrived and ridiculous movie ever made. P…
  • That part at the end when the latino dudes lil daughter runs out and tries to save him from getting shot (in the pic)...had me pretty choked up I cried my fucking eyes out (laughing) towards the end of the scene…
  • DJs Basic and Therapy from Asamov / Little Green Apples have a really nice tribute mix up too: is that a streming audio or a zipped folder of individual tracks? thx
  • DJs Basic and Therapy from Asamov / Little Green Apples have a really nice tribute mix up too: is that a streaming audio or a zipped folder of individual tracks? thx
  • Don't touch my quebecois hockey heroes... Lafleur is a g, he didn't even report the fuckers and took the punch like a man. Quebec 1 - Argentina 0
  • Yall haven't had real coffee till you've had that monkey shit "BEST COFFEE MADE FROM MONKEY POO; CRAPPUCCINO DAILY STAR Wed Nov 21 2001 10:22:30 ET Coffee drinkers are going bananas over a brew that's made of MONKEY DUNG. Brits are flooding exc…
  • I thinks gmail fucking rocks the mail hosting site world. It's labelling system is unique, the layout is ideal, the interface idiot-proof... and I like the color scheme Hotmail is not even worthy of being called shitty, yahoo is decent but lacks …
  • Busta Rhymes immediately comes to mind for me, I'm aware it's more mainstream than the rest of the references, but the fast pace is undeniable... Busta Rhymes - Gimme Some Mo' There's also a Jurassic 5 track that I can't remember the title...
  • I bought an ipod a few months ago, an iPod video 30 gyg to be exact. I've been happy with it, but I should warn you that battery life is not on point. They boast some bullshit like 12 hours after a full charge, I never expected that to be true, I t…
  • Thanks for taking the time to look that up, dunno why I didn't start at the apple website myself... Thx again!
  • That's the sickest computer animated music video I've seen. The azn's are repping!
  • .rar is a compressed file format equivalent to .zip. You need to get the appropriate program to extract the file(s). I use Winrar, you can get it off I get all my shit off there... If you ain't familiar with torrents and torren…
  • im bumping Acid right now.:( I gave a thread to that album in my really is an amazing sound. Here it is again... RIP Barretto
  • 3 pages of praises on the mix and I get "file is expired" Hook a brother up