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  • /font1Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21Mark. What's your take on the mellotron? b, 21b, 21h, 21b, 21b, 21Someone pull Raj's coat. Sounds like we have a new SS front page feature, "Ask Soulmarcosa". Mark can be the Ann Landers of Soulstrut.b, 21b, 21Dear Soulm…
  • you can also put his id on blast so we can all block him
  • It's going to be an entertaining 4 years watching all manor of hate spew from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc. Get your popcorn ready.
  • /font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121b, 21b, 21I am swinging for the fences. I sincerely don't believe this will be the map but I can dream.b, 21b, 21I used the electoral map at, hit the Print Scrn button, put it in Photoshop to trim th…
  • /font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121I just saw it for the 1st time a day or 2 ago. b, 21b, 21h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121and now you know why I'll never buy a Toyota.
  • My only question is why they didn't just use the Fixx version.
  • The delay to the W.S. "mini game" is only 17 minutes I think? Not really that big of a deal. If anyone complains, I'm sure Jerome Bettis and Franco Harris can sort that out.b,121b,121img src="…
  • I like how Fox News tried to turn this into a story. Holy Hell. This whole thing is embarrassing for McCain supporters.
  • Saw him in Memphis at the Ponderosa Stomp and loved all of it but one song, which was one from his disco days. Other than that, he's solid. Go see him if you have the opportunity.
  • Thanks. That basically satisfies my curiosity.
  • October's not over. You never know what is waiting in the wings. Bin Laden capture, perhaps? Keep telling everyone to stand in line and vote.
  • florence136913 (unless you like your records to be paid for with hacked paypal accounts)
  • this a want or a trade?
  • /font1font class="small"1Quote:/font1h,121b,121I think i just saw McCain fall asleep. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121He was just praying for his friends
  • yeah Pens!!! now its the Pirates turn I watched the first two periods and then had to follow the 3rd on my phone from a rehearsal dinner for a relatives wedding. There were at least three of us at my table giving each other updates until it was …
  • /font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121b,121is that thing easy to clean? as much as i liked my french press, i had to go with the stove top percolator cause the french press was a pain in the ass to clean. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121At a p…
  • /font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121The company that I buy my coffee roasting equipment and green coffee beans from also sells all sorts of brewing equipment including espresso machines. Their descriptions and reviews are actually very informative, especial…
  • /font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121b,121img src=""1b,121b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121It may be completely worth the effort to look for a used traditional model such as this than dropping the…
  • if the day is going by too slowly, can I pitch up my time or just switch to 45 from 33? And in other news, these are ugly watches.
  • Mark - if you have any records left to sell, you should get a table at the spartanburg record show on the 21st. P-Mutt and I will have a table there!
  • registered mail is sufficient. should cost less than $20 (though I don't know with the recent rate increases). If you need it insured for full value, then I probably would go FedEx or UPS.
  • He was a guitar player who had a band called The Showstoppers in the early/mid 1960s. They were the house band for a little while at the Royal Peacock. Lee got hooked up with Brantley and moved to NY where he cut all of those records, then came back…
    in Lee Moses Comment by Agent45 May 2008
  • He was a guitar player who had a band called The Showstoppers in the early/mid 1960s. They were the house band for a little while at the Royal Peacock. Lee got hooked up with Brantley and moved to NY where he cut all of those records, then came back…
    in Lee Moses Comment by Agent45 May 2008
  • He was a guitar player who had a band called The Showstoppers in the early/mid 1960s. They were the house band for a little while at the Royal Peacock. Lee got hooked up with Brantley and moved to NY where he cut all of those records, then came back…
    in Lee Moses Comment by Agent45 May 2008
  • ...and if you feel like you get stuck in an Impressions rut, go hunt down some Gene Chandler on Constellation, and some mid-60s Okeh 45s by Billy Butler, Walter Jackson, The Opals, Major Lance and others. And then you'll be itching for stuff by The …
  • There are a bunch of copies available at other online record sites between $9 and $50. Have at 'em.
  • Im just restating the obvious and already stated but, kick ass! I feel silly, as I used to give the British and Euro dudes a buncha shit on the Fryer's board because they bought their records offa lists and in shops and had never been to a shack in…
  • johnny barfield and the men of s.o.u.l. "soul butter" Their other 45....
  • I love melodramatic news people. That story is hilarious. "guess what we just learned?" ha! They probably would have put him on blast were they not certain they would get sued too!
  • I have a friend who works in the freight forwarding business. He wants to know the origin and destination port.