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Member, Real Head


  • So true, a couple of shakes of the bag and she's back at the house like a flash. I had a cat named Squirrel and I did indeed sound crazy shouting her name out the back door come sundown.
    in CATMON Comment by bassie May 2014
  • During winter months, I run around the house about once a week with a fake mouse on the end of a thin rope and have her chase and jump. Or I sit there with a flashlight and let her do all the work. She's out in the yard in the summer trying to catch…
    in CATMON Comment by bassie May 2014
  • batmon said:I just copped a couple of cans of merrick that i never saw at my local supermarket. Cowboy cookout, surf turf pate, turducken, and Grammy pot pie. lol yup. She won't fuck with the chunky stuff though, only the p├ót├®-y smoot…
    in CATMON Comment by bassie May 2014
  • Tablespoon of wet food every night - Merrick, Wellness or Natural Balance brands Bowl of dry food - Orijen, Holistic Blend or Acana brands Fresh water every day This cat I live with now, you can leave food in the bowl and she will self…
    in CATMON Comment by bassie May 2014
  • HarveyCanal said:bassie said: What's this model of "brush" called? The Guantanamo? lmho - It's called a shedding blade. After going through three other brushes that had my cat trying to chew my hand off, this is the only o…
    in CATMON Comment by bassie May 2014
  • "Yea, I guess that chair should go there." She's lovely! (The link never worked) A brush is essential- especially with the hot weather coming. Some cats HATE being brushed, others love it. Good luck. There are a lot…
    in CATMON Comment by bassie May 2014
  • Speaking only for Volume 1 - it's waaaaayyyy too much story and blah blah blah for it to be porn. You won't see anything you haven't seen in any number of foreign (or V Gallo) films of the past 20 or so years. I will say, though, it was refreshing t…
  • I'll probably decide last-minute depending on my mood. I am guessing the end has something to do with Seligman. What I don't know. Short of it all being a dream, him being her father who never died or the whole thing being an elaborate role-p…
  • gareth said: crusty crowd at the Television show last week ha! I just saw them this past weekend. It was a good show, but man, it's been a long time since I've been in a room with that demographic. I had to move twice to get away from 50…
  • So, do you recommend I skip Volume 2? In that it adds nothing to the whole experience and may actually detract from Volume 1? (I'd have to see it this week before the run finishes on Thursday)
  • Controller_7 said: band having signed a legally binding ÔÇ£cessation of touringÔÇØ document lol - What is that about? Who would initiate this and why?
  • I'd sooner hold cynicism and music nerds responsible for the 'death' of any genre than I would a shitty band that spawned a hundred other shitty bands.
  • See? We don't suck! We are here for your amusement! :happyday:
  • Okem said:Hey Miss B, if you click the link it should take through to their bandcamp where you can listen to the entire lp. It's not available to purchase yet though. scratch that. You could earlier today but now it seems only one track is s…
  • What are people calling grunge and what are you calling punk from that era? Slint Laughing Hyenas Steelpole Bathtub Unsane Pegboy Six Finger Satellite
  • I don't remember any graphic animal cruelty. My threshold for animals being hurt is very very low (Killer of Sheep was a pretty hard movie at times, but I digress) and don't actually remember it in Antichrist. Maybe I blocked it out. Anitchrist i…
  • HarveyCanal said:I love how some of y'all insist on some fringe, unobtainable punk aesthetic in rock but then turn around and champion the most cheesy, consumerist rap known to man. I'm glad you love how I do, despite the fact I don't use the …
  • Get over it and lose the literal lenses. I am about your age and lived through it all and definitely don't need you to narrate for me what a show looked or felt like. If anything, I agree with you on a lot of what you've said here. If you love it, t…
  • emo cock-rock is what we used to call it. sad-faced assholes...and then that movie with Matt Dillon and the marine biologist chick and the close-up on the Coltrane record came out and there was a whole movie about them! Melvins and Jesus Liza…
  • It's hard to watch because it's garbage.
  • That's what I understand. The Nation had a pretty good write-up where the writer says something like in Volume 2 you pay for the fun you had in Volume 1. I guess he means that special kind of Lars von Trier fun. Well, at least I'm making…
  • The Fatima is lovely - thank you! I managed to find one other song, Do Better, also really good - especially musically. Have you heard the whole thing? Is the whole thing as good as these two tracks?
  • MiddleDean said:Barber Record shop seems like a nice combo Barbers do women's hair where you are?
  • DJing for people/getting caught up in the moment/because your tastes have changed?
  • Now I'm trying to think, what band did I love that makes me cringe inside myself a little bit?.....hard to think of one. I wear my Frankie Goes to Hollywood, The Cure, Jane's Addiction and Duran Duran badges pretty proudly lol I'm pretty sure I d…
  • blushing at swear words is delicate, not trying to avoid conversing with a stream of bile.
  • Frank said: Should have odverdosed
  • I had five options, but it didn't show up when I posted. People can add their elaborate and poetic they're shit vote in the thread
  • I forgot to say please.
  • I feel take it or leave it about most of those 90s art school arty indie bands that blew up. They somehow managed to be everywhere but harmless and benign enough to not get sick of. Most of them suffer from annoying fans more than annoying catalogue…