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  • Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:toby.d said:I also really dig the cover. Understated, clever and cool. True, but the song titles mar it just a bit. I'm a troll who does not listen to funk. Heck, I've never even heard…
  • Fred_Garvin said:Rockadelic said:Fuck a Hannity. Here is an article by a self professed Liberal Democrat who has taught at Berkeley and currently Columbia which I agree with 100%....enjoy.…
  • coffinjoe said:the elephant in the room, never seems to be discussed who is george zimmerman's father and what was his former occupation i think that clears up the mystery of his delayed arrest No, it really doesn't. Zimmerm…
  • HarveyCanal said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:toby.d said:I also really dig the cover. Understated, clever and cool. True, but the song titles mar it just a bit. BAN. WTF is your problem? I just don't like how printing the titles on …
  • toby.d said:I also really dig the cover. Understated, clever and cool. True, but the song titles mar it just a bit.
  • Rockadelic said:Fuck a Hannity. Here is an article by a self professed Liberal Democrat who has taught at Berkeley and currently Columbia which I agree with 100%....enjoy.…
  • Duderonomy said:Guns, racism... the only thing this thread is missing is religion to complete the trilogy.
  • Rockadelic said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said: And you dodged the question, as I knew you would. What's your cutoff age? Would you cheerfully execute a 7 year old? What is this problem you have with answering tough questions? I m…
  • Bon Vivant said:Rockadelic said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said: Really? Exactly what was the tell? Here is the tell.....…
  • Rockadelic said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said: Really? Exactly what was the tell? Here is the tell..... The cop…
  • Rockadelic said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:Rockadelic said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:Rockadelic said:Clearly race was not an issue in this heinous crime... "One of the teens charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of Australian …
  • Rockadelic said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:Rockadelic said:Jonny_Paycheck said:head for the hills, here come the black people b/w let me know when they all get off If they get off white people will riot in the streets from L.A. to…
  • Rockadelic said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:Rockadelic said:Clearly race was not an issue in this heinous crime... "One of the teens charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of Australian baseball player Christopher Lane in Duncan…
  • Rockadelic said:Jonny_Paycheck said:head for the hills, here come the black people b/w let me know when they all get off If they get off white people will riot in the streets from L.A. to NY Jeezus, you are just Sean Hannit…
  • Rockadelic said:Clearly race was not an issue in this heinous crime... "One of the teens charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of Australian baseball player Christopher Lane in Duncan, Okla., previously posted anti-white stat…
  • sabadabada said:When its a black guy killed by a "white hispanic" in self defense, it's racism. But when its a white guy hunted down for sport, its "collective violence" and "gun control." WTF are you even talking about? This bit of ign…
  • LokoOne said:Ill make it my (lazy ass) mission to upload a rip of the Rodriguez Alive LP soon. Half the tracks are recorded in a way that are almost acapella and the other half have a jazzy backing band that almost rewrite the tunes, especially the …
  • parallax said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:parallax said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:This is on Netflix now and it's a very enjoyable flick, despite the endless quibbles from the too-hip-for-school jackasses. If you don't like the story it tells y…
  • parallax said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:This is on Netflix now and it's a very enjoyable flick, despite the endless quibbles from the too-hip-for-school jackasses. If you don't like the story it tells you like your pose more than you like mus…
  • This is on Netflix now and it's a very enjoyable flick, despite the endless quibbles from the too-hip-for-school jackasses. If you don't like the story it tells you like your pose more than you like music.
  • Rockadelic said: You know better....he'll be back to explain how the REAL fearmongers are the old angry white men...which he pretty much proved beyond a shadow of a doubt in this very thread. Which fits into your both sides do it world view…
  • PatrickCrazy said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:PatrickCrazy said:so not only are you a fearmonger but you are also a hatemonger who sees nothing wrong with using racial slurs. good job bro; painting a great picture for your argument The very fun…
  • PatrickCrazy said:so not only are you a fearmonger but you are also a hatemonger who sees nothing wrong with using racial slurs. good job bro; painting a great picture for your argument The very funniest moments on this site are when you get …
  • Rockadelic said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:Rockadelic said:Fear mongering (or scaremongering or scare tactics) is the use of fear to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end. noun The action of deliberately ar…
  • Uh oh, an Australian fearmonger: Former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer criticized the National Rifle Association and asked Australians to avoid the U.S. as a way to force its Congress to act on gun control. "Tourists thinking of goi…
  • Rockadelic said:Fear mongering (or scaremongering or scare tactics) is the use of fear to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end. noun The action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a partic…
  • PatrickCrazy said:foaming @ da mouth You have haole rot?
  • From Charlie Pierce: On the way to Philadelphia this weekend, as we were looking for some place to stop for the night, we happened through the town of Newtown in Connecticut for the first time since December of last year. There were no candle…
  • parallax said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:parallax said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:parallax said:+1 Ah, go sit on a rook. lol Chill, guy. Why must you be so angry all the time? lol Did that really call for two lols? Or are yo…
  • parallax said:Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:parallax said:+1 Ah, go sit on a rook. lol Chill, guy. Why must you be so angry all the time? lol Did that really call for two lols? Or are you just a cheap laugh? Never mind,…