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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Pundit</strong> said:</div><div>fair enough man, i just posted the first article from a long list of google hits on 'gold is not in a bubble'. i haven't mentioned Ron Paul even once, i'm looking at the long picture. Gold has outlasted every fiat currency in history. It has a proven track record. I could care less about keynesians and austrian school of economics. This is far from the first time in history that a government has tried to print away it's economic woes and it has never ended well. This time round we've got peak population, peak energy (not even going to get started on that, there's strong arguments in both directions) and peak currency supply. If you look at the fundamentals of exponential growth which is what the current capitalist system depends on to exists, it always eventually turns into a hockey stick and hits a hard limit. The US national debt has gone hockey stick. The M3 monetary base has gone hockey stick. Human population has gone hockey stick. Crude oil consumption has gone hockey stick. These are all facts, not nutjob conspiracy theories but mathematical certainties. Something has to, and will, give. It's just a question of when and how badly.</div></blockquote> <br /> Okay, if you're not a Beck/Paul disciple where are you getting your freakazoid we're-all-doomed fantasies from? <br /> <br /> Please tell me you're not just listening to that fuckstick Alex Jones. Or that your hockey sticks (WTF?) are talking to you.<br /> <br /> Who has you all scared, buddy?