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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Rockadelic</strong> said:</div><div><blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">Frank</strong> said:</div><div>This is a huge find. I don't know anything about Zambian records except that they are all extremely rare. Even the big hit records that were pressed in the tens of thousands are impossible to find in clean condition.<br /> <br /> I found a super clean copy of Rikki Ililonga's "Zamibia" LP in Lagos a bit over a year ago. A well known re-issuer offered me $150 for it, saying that this was a mass produced hit record and how his Zambian connects have found him numerous copies, only not a single really clean one. I decided that for this money I'd rather keep it even though it doesn't fit into my collection. A few weeks later, a friend offered me around $600 for it which I gladly accepted (and have no regrets about). Weeks after this a big psych collector from New Zealand told me he'd gladly pay a grand for a clean copy if I'd ever find another one.<br /> <br /> The record you have found has to be much rarer than the Rikki Ililonga LP and if you would at all ever consider parting with such a cool item, I would not let it go for under a grand and a half, rather two.</div></blockquote> <br /> Frank.....I think I mislead you.....I stumbled across it on Youtube, I didn't actually find a copy(I wish). I had just never heard or read mention of this LP anywhere before and if the cut I posted is what the whole LP sounds like it would be right up my alley. I'm going to search out the re-issue CD that was mentioned above as I'm certain I'll never find an OG.</div></blockquote> <br /> There was also an LP version of the reissue, which I'm sure is what was shown in the video you posted.<br /> <br />