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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">sabadabada</strong> said:</div><div>I'm not defending Palin, as much as I am pointing out the absolute redonkulousness of the charges against her. The left isn't trying to just bully Palin into keeping quiet, they want anyone who doesn;t agree with their agenda to shut up, and this is how they do it. First they tried to shut everyone up by calling anyone who disagreed with them racist, now they are accusing us all of inciting murder.</div></blockquote> <br /> The endless self-pity of the right-wing is really coming out in this episode.<br /> <br /> "Ooh, the bullies of the left are trying to silence us! Poor, poor, helpless us!"<br /> <br /> Look, when that useless doper Limbaugh said yesterday that Loughner had the full support of the Democratic Party I didn't see a single lefty who was a big enough pussy to snivel about "an attempt to silence us." They just had the correct reaction. They laughed at him and called him an asshole. Is that another "attempt to silence him"? <br /> <br /> If the "charges" (sheesh) against Palin are wrong, why did she wipe her site? Is she gutless or stupid or both? Seems like she silenced her own damn self, which might have been her first sensible public moment.