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<blockquote>[We are at an impass. I think you're deceiving yourself to say it's any different know than it was then. The only difference for you is that back then, you agreed with the rhetoric (some referred to it as vitriolic) coming from the left. So in your mind it was justified.</blockquote> <br /> If you say so. You're not offering any specifics, which fits into your false equivalency. I'm saying that it's very different now, and much more violence-oriented. It's a fact, for instance, that Obama gets many more death threats than Bush did. It's a fact that we didn't have Democrats treating Bush with open disrespect in the Chamber during his SOTU addresses, while 2 Republicans have done so to Obama so far. It's a fact that there was never any liberal equivalent to conservative talk radio during the Bush years. It's a fact that no Democrats ran for office in 2004 or 2006 suggesting that there should be a violent insurrection if the Republicans won, but in 2010 we had several Republicans saying there should be one if Democrats won.<br /> <br /> But some dudes called Bush Hitler! So it's just the same now as it was then! Because everything is always the same, or something.