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<blockquote class="Quote"><div><strong class="bc-author">asstro</strong> said:</div><div>+1 on Van Wick. I live near the Jackie Robinson/Interboro so I'm on there all the time unfortunately, scariest road in NYC IMO.<br /> <br /> My grandmother still refers to JFK as Idlewild Airport sometimes. She's old school like that.</div></blockquote> <br /> "I Still Call It Idlewild". Someone could sell a grip of those for the silver set.<br /> <br /> I still remember the first time I drove on the Interboro, I was going to meet up with a girl I met who lived in East New York. She was giving me directions (this was before GPS) and mentioned the Interboro parkway, I said to her "you serious? I don't know anyone who's ever driven on that, this should be fun". I was on the Grand Central about to make the move, feeling like the Lewis and Clark of Long Island. All of a sudden I felt like I was in a video game, like Spy Hunter or something but with better graphics. The shoulder disappeared and was replaced by what looked like a 40 foot cobblestone wall, there were suddenly only two lanes, oncoming traffic is separated by an open jersey barrier so every headlight is in your eyes, and EVERYONE was racing each other trying to take advantage of that rare moment in time that there wasn't a Mad Maxish accident backing up traffic for miles. <br /> <br /> The other two times I drove on it I sat in traffic because of accidents.