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</font1<blockquote><font class="small"1Quote:</font1<h, 21<b, 21</font1<blockquote><font class="small"1Quote:</font1<h, 21<b, 21</font1<blockquote><font class="small"1Quote:</font1<h, 21<b, 21I used to work a married woman. <b, 21<b, 21<h, 21</blockquote><font class="post"1<b, 21<b, 21I broke up an engagement, but didn't know she was engaged until we were butt naked about to get it in for the first time. Things got weird after that, and they got back together and got married. The whole thing was very Rubikscubulated. <b, 21<b, 21<h, 21</blockquote><font class="post"1<b, 21<b, 21oh shit I remember that...I called you and you were on your first date with ol' girl at the beach or some shit like that. hahaha <b, 21<b, 21<h, 21</blockquote><font class="post"1<b, 21<b, 21Haha yeah I remember that! That was pretty much the highlight right there, it turned into some real cloak and dagger type ish after that and the fun wore off after awhile. Glad you could have been a part of that day Daze! <b, 21<b, 21I figured I was helping her out, she made it seem like she was miserable with her boyfriend and I felt that I was presenting the alternative. Turned out she was enjoying an extended bachelorette party with me as the entertainment. Either way, all's well that ends well. No blood no foul, all that good stuff.