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</font1<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font1<h, 21<b, 21The area that i roll around in my chair has faded. How can I "restore' the wood?<b, 21<b, 21Murphy's Oil isnt enuff.<b, 21<b, 21And i hatt having to move my f*ckin furniture to really get my MOP on. <b, 21<b, 21<h, 21</blockquote><font class="post"><b, 21<b, 21<b, 21What everyone in this thread said about having a pro do it is true, and yes you are foucked for a few days afterwards. But how new are the floors? Are you riding on some Pergo joints in a newly redone building that were only laid down a few years ago or are you on some og floors?<b, 21<b, 21Reason I ask is that some of the Pergo type flooring systems that they have now cannot be refinished, either that or they can only be done once. This is due to the thinness of the wood. The flipside of that is that the quality is so high on some of them that you can roll roll roll away on your chair and the shit will not get worn down one bit.<b, 21<b, 21But if they're the og joints, then yeah man go ahead and refinish that shit. Mad toxic dust and chemicals though bro, no joke. Real dangerous shit when they sand the old finish up. It'll fouck your lungpiece up real awfulbits.