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</font1<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font1<h,121<b,121Who is this clown?<b,121<b,121<img src="" alt="" /><b,121<b,121I feel that someone like you working for a "charity" is hurting the cause. If you don't want to man up to some simple civic duties (what 5 fukin days?), quit taking a shit on everyones head and stand up and scream<b,121<b,121"My charity is bigger than your possible death sentance muthafuka!"<b,121<b,121I cannot describe how lame you appear to me right now with your "sponser a child in africa" self righteousness. <b,121<b,121<h,121</blockquote><font class="post"1<b,121<b,121<b,121<b,121This is a simple case of holding different priorities. It's not about me saying 'look how great i am', or 'My charity is bigger than your possible death sentance muthafuka!' Sorry if that's the way it came across. Maybe poor choice of words on my part in earlier posts, or lack of understanding on your part.<b,121<b,121Just sayin' I have never heard of a case in history where a trial could not proceed due to lack of volunteer jurors. Now go to your local American Cancer Society office, or hospital, or college radio station and ask if they ever encounter a shortage of volunteers. The shortage in people is constant and some fundraisers don't happen as a result. <b,121<b,121Do I think I'm better than people for what I do? Absolutely not. My shit is as brown and smelly as yours and anyone else's. Maybe smellier tonight on account of all the beer and curry I've had. <b,121<b,121If you think (hypothetically) jury duty is more important than anything else you're doing in your life, that's fine. I don't think you're wrong. It works for you, just not for me. I'm not better than you, I just choose to spend my time differently. <b,121<b,121Peace.