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<blockquote><blockquote>I'm gonna be a home security system and firmly plant my ass on my front porch with a sixpack and a bat to protect the place from flying eggs. </blockquote><br />When I was a kid the Island didn't need to worry about was the PAINT eggs that really wreaked havoc.<br /><br />Yep...some kid in my neighborhood would spend the weeks before Halloween carefully emptying eggs out of a pin-hole and filling them with paint!! </blockquote><br />I HOPE that guy's son comes to my hood with the same idea, I'll be ready. Although kids have substantially less patience and paintball guns now.<br /><br />We used to have some gang around here called The Apollos, they'd drive around on Halloween with fire extinguishers and water guns that they filled with piss and squirt people. My brother and his friends kept it simple with powder socks and Barbasol. Other kids would leave eggs out for a few weeks to let them rot so they smelled worse.<br /><br />I got hit with an egg once, it hurt like the dickens. I was standing up on the Rockville Centre train station platform (catholic schools always had the day after Halloween off for All Saint's Day) and some Kid With The Golden Arm hit me right in the chest from the street! <br /><br />Another guy I know had an egg break in his pocket, and he was additionally addled by the fact that he bit his nails. He had some raw egg under his nail and bit it, then was out from school for a few days with food poisoning.