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<blockquote>Ill be swinging through the East Coast September 12th-23rd, looking for stuff to do or record spots to dig. Havent been to NYC in a while and looking forward to being back in Baltimore. Im traveling light but will bring a box of 45s if the need arises. Also working on a project that involves taking pictures of piles of junk organized or otherwise, records included. Strutters get at me with things to do! </blockquote><br />I got a good spot on Long Island for you to check out with regard to your picture project, I was in there on Sunday and was afraid I was going to fall through the floor, it's an attic of a thrift shop loaded with the biggest selection of garage sale records that no one buys (Broadway soundtracks, PILES of them), books, and stereo equipment all over the place. The guy didn't even want to send me up there because there were two other people up already, but then said "ok, you can go up, but if you hear the floor start to creak hurry up downstairs it might collapse". Might not be worth the trip out though just for a photo and some garbage records.