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<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>middle flag </blockquote><br />It's an iron cross, no doubt. But in 2005, iron crosses are pretty much just a fashion statement adored equally by skinheads, bikers, skateboarders, The Stooges, The Hellacopters, about a fafillion garage bands in California, not to mention leagues of under-16 Hot Topic customers. </blockquote><br />The skins I knew in the early 80's who wore iron crosses did it for a reason. If I were a skin familiar with the stereotypes (which I were not part of), I wouldn't be wearing Nazi paraphenalia whether it's passed into pop culture or not.<br /><br />Just my opinion.<br /><br />K.<br /><br /> </blockquote><br />It could also be a German heritage thing. Nazi Hitler Youth skinhead culture style was stolen from early british skinheads. Working class youths who liked to dance it up in dancehalls listening to prince buster, desmond dekker blah blah blah reggae and ska you know. I mean so most people unfortunately have this pre concieved notion that oh you dress a certain way and your head is shaved your a racist. There were a couple of songs for skinheads by reggae artists with skinhead in the title. I just don't remember. </blockquote><br />True, I'm sure it goes farther back than the Hitler era (as everything always does), but it is strongly linked to it and I just wouldn't do it...and, yeah, I'm well aware of the rude boy/trojan/mod era of skin involved with reggae - much different from their nazi/white power counterparts.<br /><br />K.