A good way to make people nervous in NYC?


  • holy ish

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Sidney Bordley, a floor director in an office building at 1 Battery Park Place, said, ???People were running out of the office, claiming they saw a commercial flight being pursued by F-16???s.???

    I wonder who at the White House got the broomstick treatment for that one.

  • Sidney Bordley, a floor director in an office building at 1 Battery Park Place, said, ???People were running out of the office, claiming they saw a commercial flight being pursued by F-16???s.???

    I wonder who at the White House got the broomstick treatment for that one.

    The local authorities were informed of this in advance.

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    no story here

  • The local authorities were informed of this in advance.

    Those authorities need to find a new line of work.

    My 30 story building was evacuated, as were all the neighboring buildings downtown. We're pretty high up so some were watching these planes circling. Cops on the street initially had no explanation. Being real close to ground zero, people were more than a little freaked out.

  • The local authorities were informed of this in advance.

    Those authorities need to find a new line of work.

    My 30 story building was evacuated, as were all the neighboring buildings downtown. We're pretty high up so some were watching these planes circling. Cops on the street initially had no explanation. Being real close to ground zero, people were more than a little freaked out.

    Understandable. The NYPD, (but NOT the Mayors Office)[/b] and Port Authority all knew about this. Why they didn't issue a press release is a mystery.

    Edited to correct...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    For a photo op why did they pic NYC at all?

    I mean damn, you can pretty much photoshop anything your mind can think of, let alone do these shots anywhere in the world.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    For a photo op why did they pic NYC at all?

    I mean damn, you can pretty much photoshop anything your mind can think of, let alone do these shots anywhere in the world.

    That's what i thought.
    Besides this being insensitive and potentially dangerous because of the possibility of a panic, this also seems like a gigantic waste of money.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    For a photo op why did they pic NYC at all?

    I mean damn, you can pretty much photoshop anything your mind can think of, let alone do these shots anywhere in the world.

    That was my thought. I could understand if they wanted video or something, but just photos? They could have had one of their kids do it up in Photoshop in about 10 minutes in exchange for a trip to Coldstone.

    Who greenlighted (greenlit?) this in the first place? Massive NAGL's every step of the way.

  • Dor, what the hell is going on in your avatar?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Dor, what the hell is going on in your avatar?

    HAHA, Loads of people have asked.

    Based on a kids game I believe. Where the last one standing wins the fight.

    "A video posted on several online video sites depicts an incident during a Korean baseball game. After the batter is apparently hit by a pitch, the batter charges the mound, grabs his right leg in his hands and starts jumping up and down on one foot. The pitcher mimics the behavior, and within seconds the "brawl" encompasses almost every player on the field jumping up and down on one leg while holding onto their other leg. According to MLB.com, the incident took place during a celebrity baseball game in Korea and was supposed to be a parody of baseball brawls."
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