what planet what station appreciation (day)



  • DJ Day

    What Planet (MC002)


    damn day, you sold out!!!!!!!!

    nah really shit is

    play it out plenty of times.

    actually it stays in my take out box to tell the truth.

  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts

    I JUST HAD AN OOOOHHHH SHIT MOMENT! Ain't that the shit?

    ps: Day, I cry myself to sleep at night (ayo?). Is there ANYWHERE where I could still get one of these?

    I have that record. What does it sound like? Is that the source?

    Oh shit.

    title track. Going through a stack here, I was like "why does this remind me of a track that P*trick and J*sh are always playin' out that gets me gellin' 'cause I don't have one but if I did I would fuckin ROCK THAT SHIT? Oh yeah, this is the sample from Day's twelve that I FUCKING NEED. ARRRGGGHH!!!!"
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