Attn: Moderhateurs! Tripledouble can't post!

Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
edited January 2009 in Strut Central
Plaese to rescue him from PM land!Gary: This is your time to truly earn your moderhateur status! Earn your green wings!


  • tripledouble is a dude among dudes liberate this fine citizen

  • ay marco, how are you? been meaning to come out and see one of your sets on of these days now that you're on the left...

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    cant see a problem with his profile: he has certainly not been banned, i know its remedial: but try clearing your cache, running ccleaner or somesuch program, then logging back in.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Tony. Did you try deleting your cookies in your browser?

    Here's a tutorial on how to do it:

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    FREE TONY!!!

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    ack! I don't know what to do!

  • No.
    Tdub is consigliere in this shit, he showed me the way to soulstrut and he's one of the lovliest human beings I know from the moon to pluto and back down to earth, he's not banned-ed no way.
    He just probably needs to refresh his browser on that hoopty laptop

    Maybe we should all write to him while he's locked up in the cell on lockdown, I will start:

    Dear Tony,
    Hi....I'm sorry you're trapped. I saw Metallica last night. They finally figured it out, they played all their old shit, none of that new garbage, it was incredible. They did a 20 minute version of Orion that I had a dream about before it even happened! So thorough. Is it cold where you are? I am making coconut curry butternut squash soup again today. How is the food where you are? I re-read 'Dreams of My Father' and finished this morning, it was a pre-inauguration goal. Going to teach a yoga class this evening and will stop by that spot that has the really hot 2 dollar bins, can't say it's name here, but you know the spot. Will let you know if I get anything good! I hope you get out soon! Don't forget to refresh your cache/browsing history!
    Go Birds! Free Tony!
    Love , ab

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Yeah, I just checked out his profile stuff it looks fine to me. I don't know what he can do.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    but who cares anyways cuz tony is a dick.

    just kidding.

    try the cookie thing, ese!

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

  • YAY!

    delete thread
    delete thread
    delete thread


  • i got to catch up on my postcount
    i think i let herm pass me the last couple days

  • i think dizzy bull definitely did this to me
    already abusing his new found power

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Whoa...I didn't think we were that close!

    But wait, is this a post count or how many...ummmm, well you know.

  • No.
    Tdub is consigliere in this shit, he showed me the way to soulstrut and he's one of the lovliest human beings I know from the moon to pluto and back down to earth, he's not banned-ed no way.
    He just probably needs to refresh his browser on that hoopty laptop

    Maybe we should all write to him while he's locked up in the cell on lockdown, I will start:

    Dear Tony,
    Hi....I'm sorry you're trapped. I saw Metallica last night. They finally figured it out, they played all their old shit, none of that new garbage, it was incredible. They did a 20 minute version of Orion that I had a dream about before it even happened! So thorough. Is it cold where you are? I am making coconut curry butternut squash soup again today. How is the food where you are? I re-read 'Dreams of My Father' and finished this morning, it was a pre-inauguration goal. Going to teach a yoga class this evening and will stop by that spot that has the really hot 2 dollar bins, can't say it's name here, but you know the spot. Will let you know if I get anything good! I hope you get out soon! Don't forget to refresh your cache/browsing history!
    Go Birds! Free Tony!
    Love , ab

    that soup sounds delicious.

  • Metallica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    CLIFF EM ALL!!!!!!!

  • Tone, remember when we used to drive around Philly in Ben's tan volvo station wagon and you guys would yell out the window to girls on the street, "What's your favorite kind of ice cream? Do you like Vanilla Nut?" hahahaha, I miss philly!

  • no i dont remember that

    but regardless, HEY LIL !!! wassssup!!!

  • Eating'd be proud...home sick..are you in phil? goin to dc?

  • What's with 2 women in this thread making curry references to Tripledouble, is that code???

    I am making coconut curry butternut squash soup again today. How is the food where you are?

    Eating'd be proud.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    i think dizzy bull definitely did this to me
    already abusing his new found power


    DONT EVER F*ck WIT ME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
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