Black Panthers Vs. Fox News
671 Posts
Well Fox has to pin the blame on someone for the loss their candidate is about to take. ACORN wasn't getting traction, so queue the Black Panthers in PA...b, 21b, 21Original Video by a Student:/b1b, 21object width="425" height="344"1param name="movie" value=""1/param1param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"1/param1embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"1/embed1/object1b, 21b, 21Fox Late on the Scene:/b1b, 21object width="425" height="344"1param name="movie" value=""1/param1param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"1/param1embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"1/embed1/object1b, 21b, 21Here is a link from an Obama Poll Watcher on the scene that basically tells the real story:b, 21a href="" target="_blank"1, 21b, 21Now I am just a white man from Oregon, but I got to ask, "there are still Black Panthers?" This is all Fox has got? GTFOOHWTBS!
Live @ 10:00 a.m.
(nm, thread html only blew up in firefox)
Some of the folks at my work turn on FOX News on the TV in the cafeteria and that's where I kept hearing this story. I didn't think it was possible, but the constant harping on this non-story honestly gave the network less credibility. To put some of this Black Panther folks on TV and just pound them with questions and wait for them to say something questionable is just ridiculous. It's somehow not serving FOX News' audience and that's really saying something -- that the Right Wing, Tea Party folks actually cannot get any news value out of this piece and would be better served paying attention to something else is really quite remarkable. Cheers, FOX News -- you've really outdid yourself this time.
P.S. John Stewart or whoever called Bill O'Reilly FOX 1.0 was spot on.
Well this non-story is now before a congressional civil rights panel and it sounds pretty much like the federal government now refuses to enforce the race-neutral voting rights laws against minorities.
And the guy testifying is a former ACLU lawyer and recipient of the NAACP Thurogood Marshall Award.
Orly? I'd say I was curious to know if the voter tally declined at that particular precinct but I think we already know the answer. But, Saba says, if only one voter, if one voter at all was intimated by those combat boots-wearing Panthers, then something must be done, has to be done. Someone wanted to vote that day -- perhaps Lyndon Larouche himself lost a vote that day -- and they didn't because the scene in the parking lot was that intimidating. And the DOJ wants nothing to do with it because
a Black PantherBarack Hussein Obama is president. I bet you can't even say the words "race-neutral voting rights laws against minorities" without smirking.As I understood it there was no complaining voter. Has this changed?
Nice job of prophecy by Agent45, even if it wasn't a tough call.
Got yourself wagged, bud. You can always tell the FOX-watchers when they start the parallel-universe talk.
Unless your only purpose in this post was to wind up SS with your inherently-loaded, racialist topic, and then: mission accomplished, Glenn Beck.