unlike a condom, they don't detract from the experience, so I wear'em. Anecdote:Last week a FULL bucket of water was spilt on the floor right beside the rekids. I FREAKED OUT for fifteen minutes and, fifteen towels later, realised not a single piece worth a dollar had been damaged. Thanks be to GOD for the rekid condoms.
I just went through an extensive removal of all plastic sleeves. It just seemed stupid and ugly to have a room full of plastic. I'm pretty careful with my records and don't really care that much if the covers deteriorate a bit. b,121b,121It felt really good to get rid of them, i recommend it !!
My dog pissed on the bottom shelve of my record rack once.b,121Those polys saved many a record. I only keep dollar bins and "wedding records"b,121on the bottom shelf after that.
I never sleep walk... but i was drunk one night... and in my sleepy state i stood up and pissed into a record crate. Lost some real nice records... haha...b,121b,121Though I still have a couple of em that were too important to toss out that are pretty much completely stained with my piss.... so.... don't grab that "Mingus" record from my shelve without rubber gloves.
I just hate having to remove them from records I am using to play out. I forgot to do this once and ended up with a garbage bag full of those poly sleeves at the end of the night.
b,121I just hate having to remove them from records I am using to play out. I forgot to do this once and ended up with a garbage bag full of those poly sleeves at the end of the night.
font class="post"1b,121b,121This is true, but they eat space in your expedit.b,121Estimated ratio: 2 good poly sleeves = 1 LPb,121b,121Then you get these ones that stick to the sleeves by some odd vacuum phenomenon, and you have to arse about trying to rescue the LP from the poly without fusking everything up.
i poly sleeve everythingb,121b,121and its like 10 bucks for 100 of them so fuk it why not??b,121b,121you wouldn't ask a clown to do your laundry for you??b,121b,121WHAT?
b,121I never sleep walk... but i was drunk one night... and in my sleepy state i stood up and pissed into a record crate. Lost some real nice records... haha...
font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! dude that is yolo. a beer i must buy you.b,121b,121i sleeve a lot of my good ish. spilling something is always in the back of my mind cause most every thursday night after the bars i come straight home, go to my guestroom with either a) another beer in hand, or b) a tall glass of water, set it on one of my shelves, and start jammin out.
i started using them after some idiot spilled his drinkb,121on my crate at a house party. that was about ten years ago and ironically nothing similar ever happened to me againb,121but everytime i consider giving them up i think back to thatb,121one accident..
b,121I never sleep walk... but i was drunk one night... and in my sleepy state i stood up and pissed into a record crate. Lost some real nice records... haha...
b,121Though I still have a couple of em that were too important to toss out that are pretty much completely stained with my piss...
font class="post"1b,121b,121Wait for the 2:47 mark...b,121b,121object width="425" height="344"1param name="movie" value=""1/param1param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"1/param1embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"1/embed1/object1
b,121I just hate having to remove them from records I am using to play out. I forgot to do this once and ended up with a garbage bag full of those poly sleeves at the end of the night.
font class="post"1b,121b,121Yep, a definite hassle when playing out, I get them at the bottom of the crate all scrunched up under records and whatnot. I try to rebag during a long song or when switching off, but still. b,121b,121I love them and used to only use them for $$$ records, but using them more and more now. Even though it slows you down when playing out, I HATE when the opening is not at the top. They get all bunched up when you shelf them and just not as pleasing to the eye and neat looking.b,121b,121I really need step it up for 45s though, seeing as they go through much more abuse and are an easier wear&tear.
I skip the polys and go straight for the heavier PVC... the polys always bunch up and get raggedy. I have to have my boy from the UK bring over the PVC covers for me as I can't seem to find anyone over here that sells them.
I spilled a beer in my box at a gig and the only thing that saved me were the sleeves. Opening facing to the side, or else the beer would have gone straight through the hole to the records.b,121b,121Everything that I keep gets bagged.
b,121I just hate having to remove them from records I am using to play out. I forgot to do this once and ended up with a garbage bag full of those poly sleeves at the end of the night.
font class="post"1
b,121Yep, a definite hassle when playing out, I get them at the bottom of the crate all scrunched up under records and whatnot. I try to rebag during a long song or when switching off, but still.
b,121I love them and used to only use them for $$$ records, but using them more and more now. Even though it slows you down when playing out, I HATE when the opening is not at the top. They get all bunched up when you shelf them and just not as pleasing to the eye and neat looking.
b,121I really need step it up for 45s though, seeing as they go through much more abuse and are an easier wear&tear.
font class="post"1b,121b,121exactly...I had started to go through all of my records to make sure that the poly sleeeves didn't cover the opening on the record cover, then I realized how much work it would take for me to pull every record and I never finished it...I also never finished alphabetizing(sp?) my records either.
b,121I had started to go through all of my records to make sure that the poly sleeeves didn't cover the opening on the record cover, then I realized how much work it would take for me to pull every record and I never finished it...I also never finished alphabetizing(sp?) my records either.
I bag up all LPs and 45s, but in the open bags, not sealable ones.b,121The sealable ones are a pain in the arse. Not to mention kinda dangerous if you're not carefull with the covers.