Fiending for Records (Addiction related)
Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
When I get even a little bit of money, I start fiending for records. I am only just starting to expose myself to ethnic folkways catalog for instance. It is blowing my mind. Sweet soul has been my thing after I got Delfonics and Montgomery Express (which I assume are hard to top in this genre). I haven't even begun to fuck with classical or tropicalia or obscure one-off 45s. Does the fire ever die, when it comes to music?
I sold my yamaha motif and mpc 4000 on ebay and was planning on dropping that money on the bank. most of it went right back to ebay! Studio One, Prince Jammy, Dub, roots , lp's and 45s. I went off on that shit in the worst way. not a good look for me.
these are the two most dangerous genres imho
I ve calmed down on spending recently..and when you look back on what i spent on 45s on one ebay session and than compare that to one month's expenses you realize its time to
there is so much moving and great hard to find soul and reggae you could go on for a long time and spend a lot of dough
go for cheap classics (lp) for soul and drop for certain 45s only
give up the reggae all together (ive always warned myself to never approach it) I would go on a rampage
keep learning but not spending
indeed. a buddy system works. I was trolling through reggae forums at work and a coworker passed by and found out he used to run a soundsystem in the 80s and really does not buy records anymore due to financial reasons. so him and I trade LP's and 45's once a month. record to cd and so on. been going on for 3 months now and have really cut back on spending by 75 percent. Only thing is im gonna run out of records to him by 2009.
i just sold some north face schitt and was planning on using the money for some odds & ends furniture wise around the house and saving the rest...yeah...i just copped some records with the "savings" portion. and the 150 or so savings portion i have left over? i'll probably use that on more records tomorrow, plus throw in a new rugby, coffee, car wash, chile rellenos, and a huge horchata.
No, what it does lead to is:
1) Satanic worship
2) More visits to local and regional parks for aluminum cans
3) Fighting meth addicts for guard rails on highways (which is a chib when you have a huge guard rail on your back while riding a bicycle on a 70mph freeway)
4) Hoarding your makapiapia because you know that good raer rock is just a glance away
5) Becoming an ambulance driver at local meat packing plants when workers cut their fingers
God dammit I've been here too long, HELP ME MUFALAKAS!!!
Buying old records helps me deal with the anguish daily!!!
I would not call the Montgomery Express sweet soul.
I think you need to spend your money on more easily obtained basic records before sinking large sums into further obscurities.
that's what it really boils down to at the end of the day.
flash your stash!
Trust me, I don't have that kind of luxury. Don't confuse me with other breeds of collectors.
You feel a little bit better about yourself by trying to get your elitism on (in a different subject other than the NBA)? LOL