who gets hit on?



  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    a friend of mine explained to me the other night how her boyfriend pounding his junk down her throat made her involuntarily puke on his jawn

    thought id share

    apparently this is a trend in porn
    puke porn
    real erotic

    wtf is wrong with these fuckers?

  • I too am just a large-sized record nerd, but the last time I DJ'd, this girl A*n came up to me and said "I just wanted to tell you you look good, me and Kr**sy were just talking about you and you look like you have lost weight(if anything, thanks to my girls kick ass homemade cooking I have gained weight) and are looking really good!" I just thanked her and said it was probably just the quality casual wear...but this is happening more and more...also a couple days ago I got an email from an old girlfriend reminiscing about our sexual exploits...must be the "contented" vibe...

  • Last time this happened was last summmer at the hotel I work at.

    Girl was 16.

    IM 34!!

    But at the same time kinda..

  • Getting hit on has been a regular occurrence for me. I suppose it's a bi-product of being in a band or being the guy behind the dj booth. My girlfriends during those times felt it very necessary to accompany me to EVERY gig because of this. I managed to get my kicks anyway with the occasional piece despite their best efforts.

    Nowadays, even though I've taken a hiatus from both of these activities, the girlies have still been throwin me the vibe. I'm in a relationship now, so I'm not interested in all that mess (surprisingly enough). I'm sprung on my chica and that's that. Interested to see what happens when the ring goes on the finger.

    It's like women have special radar for that sorta thing. Attention whores...

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    and now theres a new colleague i really like and im friendly but she often barely notices me, but i cant/wont play that ignore her/play not-interested game either if i really dig her. did that one time and in the end that girl suddenly went back to her ex. like bill withers said. good things come for those who wait but not for those who wait to long[/b]

    THANK YOU.[/b] I've been waiting somebody to agree with me!

    All over the damn place, people ALWAYS say that. Even on Soulstrut - Big Stacks, a man I normally respect, even lectured us about this not long ago. "Let the girl come to YOU." "Ignore her and pretend like you're not interested." Well, from personal experience, I can say that this only works when the two of you are already together. If it's some random person you're admiring from afar, that procrastination shit will mess up your whole program, and she (or he) just might lose interest waiting on you to make a move. Cain't risk it. Don't believe that "love is like a DANCE" shit for a minute! If you want it (and they're single), go on over there and get it!

    When people say that you should act like you're not interested, I don't think they mean stay away altogether. There's a way you can approach somebody, yet not come off with the stink of desperation.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    When people say that you should act like you're not interested, I don't think they mean stay away altogether. There's a way you can approach somebody, yet not come off with the stink of desperation.

    Not that I've perfected the art, but all the women I've dated I've been the one to make the approach... a lot of them have been shy and probably wouldn't have approached me.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts

    When people say that you should act like you're not interested, I don't think they mean stay away altogether. There's a way you can approach somebody, yet not come off with the stink of desperation.

    Not that I've perfected the art, but all the women I've dated I've been the one to make the approach... a lot of them have been shy and probably wouldn't have approached me.

    More than once I've had ladies tell me I had a lot of guts to approach them when and as I did...but they told me this after we started dating, so I must have been doing something right.

  • though I'm officially off the market, I can say the primary reason I haven't gotten married is because I couldn't turn down the allure of new pussy. Now, I flirt, and when shit gets real l

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    this doesn't happen to me very often, like very, very rarely (ha!), and i'd never cheat on my girl....but this weekend i was djing a party and some decent looking college chick was trying to ask me something all night but the music was too loud and i figured she just wanted to request britney so i ignored her. finally she came over and got right in my face and said

    "do you want V.D.".

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    When people say that you should act like you're not interested, I don't think they mean stay away altogether. There's a way you can approach somebody, yet not come off with the stink of desperation.

    Not that I've perfected the art, but all the women I've dated I've been the one to make the approach... a lot of them have been shy and probably wouldn't have approached me.

    More than once I've had ladies tell me I had a lot of guts to approach them when and as I did...but they told me this after we started dating, so I must have been doing something right.

    yeah... my current gf got asked out by another dude a few days after I asked her out and she would've said yes if i hadn't first. she had been interested in me but didn't think i was until i approached her.

  • jaysusjaysus 787 Posts
    and now theres a new colleague i really like and im friendly but she often barely notices me, but i cant/wont play that ignore her/play not-interested game either if i really dig her. did that one time and in the end that girl suddenly went back to her ex. like bill withers said. good things come for those who wait but not for those who wait to long[/b]

    THANK YOU.[/b] I've been waiting somebody to agree with me!

    All over the damn place, people ALWAYS say that. Even on Soulstrut - Big Stacks, a man I normally respect, even lectured us about this not long ago. "Let the girl come to YOU." "Ignore her and pretend like you're not interested." Well, from personal experience, I can say that this only works when the two of you are already together. If it's some random person you're admiring from afar, that procrastination shit will mess up your whole program, and she (or he) just might lose interest waiting on you to make a move. Cain't risk it. Don't believe that "love is like a DANCE" shit for a minute! If you want it (and they're single), go on over there and get it!

    When people say that you should act like you're not interested, I don't think they mean stay away altogether. There's a way you can approach somebody, yet not come off with the stink of desperation.

    Anyone interested in more thinking along these lines should check out:

    This book is by a hostage negotiator and much better than that mystery/the game jazz.

    I am recently single and I have had mad aggressive females around me lately, telling me what were going to do after we get married before our first DATE! whack. Also all these girls want kids, kids, kids. I am so glad i got a vasectomy last year, best decision i have ever made.

    I guess that's the temperature of 30~ year old ladies in the midwest. Marriage, house, kids.... snorreeee.

    I have nothing against committed relationships, I am about them, but all the need for external validation makes me wanna puke.

  • and now theres a new colleague i really like and im friendly but she often barely notices me, but i cant/wont play that ignore her/play not-interested game either if i really dig her. did that one time and in the end that girl suddenly went back to her ex. like bill withers said. good things come for those who wait but not for those who wait to long[/b]

    THANK YOU.[/b] I've been waiting somebody to agree with me!

    All over the damn place, people ALWAYS say that. Even on Soulstrut - Big Stacks, a man I normally respect, even lectured us about this not long ago. "Let the girl come to YOU." "Ignore her and pretend like you're not interested." Well, from personal experience, I can say that this only works when the two of you are already together. If it's some random person you're admiring from afar, that procrastination shit will mess up your whole program, and she (or he) just might lose interest waiting on you to make a move. Cain't risk it. Don't believe that "love is like a DANCE" shit for a minute! If you want it (and they're single), go on over there and get it!

    When people say that you should act like you're not interested, I don't think they mean stay away altogether. There's a way you can approach somebody, yet not come off with the stink of desperation.

    Anyone interested in more thinking along these lines should check out:

    This book is by a hostage negotiator and much better than that mystery/the game jazz.

    I am recently single and I have had mad aggressive females around me lately, telling me what were going to do after we get married before our first DATE! whack. Also all these girls want kids, kids, kids. I am so glad i got a vasectomy last year, best decision i have ever made.[/b]

    I guess that's the temperature of 30~ year old ladies in the midwest. Marriage, house, kids.... snorreeee.

    I have nothing against committed relationships, I am about them, but all the need for external validation makes me wanna puke.

    are you serious?
    why would anyone do that?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I dunno. I'm not stuck up or anything, but I think I'm a pretty good looking guy. I get hit pretty regularly, especially if I'm djing a Black function. I'm generally non-responsive, due to commitment and all that bullshit, but if I wanted to I could get some things in action on the regular.

  • Last year a girl at an adjacent booth in the club, motioned me to come closer and she leaned in and whispered in my ear "i don't have a gag reflex". I must have smirked or something...I was a little shook/intrigued. Wouldn't be able to pick her out of a crowd today.

    Don't worry man, I know her...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Rossellini debuts her horny bugs
    From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
    January 22, 2008 at 4:43 AM EST

    PARK CITY, UTAH ??? Among the lurid tales of sex and violence that haunt the Sundance Film Festival screens, there are few more gruesome and titillating than those of Green Porno, a series of short films made by Isabella Rossellini and her Canadian collaborators.

    The films, in which Rossellini dresses up as bugs, worms and snails, and simultaneously describes and demonstrates their mating behaviour, start out mildly enough. The actress with the round, angelic movie-star face begins speaking directly to the camera: "If I were a dragon fly, I would have compound eyes ... "

    An instant later, the compound eyes appear on her face. Soon, she's describing and demonstrating how she would take her clasping organs and grab her female partner: "I would clean her vagina to make sure she would only have my babies ... "

    The firefly mating saga begins on a more insouciant tone: "If I were a firefly, I would light up my ass at night and I would fly here and I would fly there ..."

    Even David Lynch, who cast Isabella Rossellini as a masochistic nightclub singer in Blue Velvet, probably wouldn't have come up with that one. And even Guy Maddin, who cast her as a legless beer baroness with glass, beer-filled prosthetic limbs in The Saddest Music in the World (2003), didn't think of lighting up her ass at night.

    the rest of the article

  • i'm single and frequently get hit on while djing by girls that either 1) come directly onto the stage to talk to me, 2) stop me on my way to and fro the men's room, or 3) find me on the dancefloor. they also seem to be aware of their competition, so to speak, as they will often ask me who that other girl was i was just talking to, what did she want, etc.

    a male acquaintance of mine recently told a girl i'd been out with a couple times that i was a "pimp" and "always talking to a different girl." in a smaller town i think this can cut both ways, insofar as it can either lead to a reputation of being an asshole "playa," which would drive girls away, or, as has been said here, can be advantageous to the game as girls see me with other girls and hence see me as being more attractive due to the chase elements involved in trying to get next to that short dj dude.

    i think girls want a guy that's fun to be around, and if they see you having a good time, whether with an obvious significant other or not, then they reckon that they'd like to be a part of that good time, too. i think the same goes for guys. who wants to hang out with a misanthropic, holden-caulfield-like drag all the time!?!

  • jaysusjaysus 787 Posts
    I am so glad i got a vasectomy last year, best decision i have ever made.[/b]

    I guess that's the temperature of 30~ year old ladies in the midwest. Marriage, house, kids.... snorreeee.

    I have nothing against committed relationships, I am about them, but all the need for external validation makes me wanna puke.

    are you serious?
    why would anyone do that?

    There are so many kids out there right now that could use a good dad, I think it's pretty selfish to have kids at this point.

    ADOPTION or hook up with a MILF.


  • ...even Guy Maddin, who cast her...in The Saddest Music in the World (2003), didn't think of lighting up her ass at night.

    Yeah right! Who hasn't thought of lighting up Rossellini's ass!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I think it's pretty selfish to have kids at this point.

    For real though, I think self-population control isn't such a bad thing.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    I think it's pretty selfish to have kids at this point.

    For real though, I think self-population control isn't such a bad thing.

    yours are cute so they can stay.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    It was like every hour when I was on MySpace. The chicks were hot too and usually scantily clad.

  • i will readily admit that i am a dumbass when it comes to this shit.

    i never realize they were hitting on me until it's too late.

    one of my resolutions for 08 was to stop being such a dumbass. so far, i've been better but still have room for improvement

  • Last night I was sitting at this bar, by myself mind you so probably looking pathetic, my roommate had just split to go do this gig and i was just finishing my brew when this girl just sits down next to me orders a drink and starts talking to me. unbelievable.

    so I end up staying for a couple drinks, way later than I wanted to because i had to get up at like 6:30. her friends split and we just sat there talking. She's really got alot of stuff going on, pretty, a couple years younger, got a good job right out of college, lots of common interests, but its hard to tell on first impressions what that person is really like. got her digits and made sure she got home o.k. but not sure how soon i should call her, I broke up with my g-friend about 2 months ago because it was a sinking ship, and not sure i really want to get into anything right now, really expected to be alone for a while because i can never come up with the nerve to talk to girls, and normally oblivious to flirting, but this instance was just out of the ordinary and made me think of this thread.

  • but not sure how soon i should call her,

    as soon as you feel like it, man! if you are sitting around thinking about her, dont overthink shit, just call her up and see how shes doing. ask her to get another drink or get a quick lunch. dont feel any obligation to talk on the phone at length...unless you want to.

    if you think it, you may as well do it

  • got her digits and made sure she got home o.k. but not sure how soon i should call her,

    "2 weeks"

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    I broke up with my g-friend about 2 months ago because it was a sinking ship, and not sure i really want to get into anything right now, really expected to be alone for a while because i can never come up with the nerve to talk to girls, and normally oblivious to flirting, but this instance was just out of the ordinary and made me think of this thread.

    Having been married a couple of years, I'm probably not that qualified to speak on this, and not that you asked for my advice but...

    Since you're still at the talking stage you might try being open with her at this point. Don't make a big deal about it, but if it comes up, just be honest with your relationship situation. Just be like "I was just in a relationship so I'm not looking for anything serious right now." If she thinks you're boyfriend material, chances are she'll respect that and you two can go on talking and getting to know one another. If she's looking to hook up on some non-serious shit, she'll probably think "well shit, I'm not looking to be serious either" and make a power move.

    This worked for me in college. I was talking to a girl I knew who I wasn't even trying to flirt with, just a casual conversation. We were talking about relationships and I told her I was not looking any kind of serious relationship at the time. Later on, one of her friends asked what was up with me and the first girl told her what I had said, and the friend hollered at me. We started hooking up on some casual shit and did so for couple of years.

    It's hard to know what a woman wants and what she's thinking, so all you can do is let her know, in a subtle way, what you're thinking and what you want. The she can decide yay or nay if she's down.

    Sorry, but I'm always inspired when Big Stacks shares his advice, so I wanted to drop some of my own grown man's biz.

  • I broke up with my g-friend about 2 months ago because it was a sinking ship, and not sure i really want to get into anything right now, really expected to be alone for a while because i can never come up with the nerve to talk to girls, and normally oblivious to flirting, but this instance was just out of the ordinary and made me think of this thread.

    Having been married a couple of years, I'm probably not that qualified to speak on this, and not that you asked for my advice but...

    Since you're still at the talking stage you might try being open with her at this point. Don't make a big deal about it, but if it comes up, just be honest with your relationship situation. Just be like "I was just in a relationship so I'm not looking for anything serious right now." If she thinks you're boyfriend material, chances are she'll respect that and you two can go on talking and getting to know one another. If she's looking to hook up on some non-serious shit, she'll probably think "well shit, I'm not looking to be serious either" and make a power move.

    This worked for me in college. I was talking to a girl I knew who I wasn't even trying to flirt with, just a casual conversation. We were talking about relationships and I told her I was not looking any kind of serious relationship at the time. Later on, one of her friends asked what was up with me and the first girl told her what I had said, and the friend hollered at me. We started hooking up on some casual shit and did so for couple of years.

    It's hard to know what a woman wants and what she's thinking, so all you can do is let her know, in a subtle way, what you're thinking and what you want. The she can decide yay or nay if she's down.

    Sorry, but I'm always inspired when Big Stacks shares his advice, so I wanted to drop some of my own grown man's biz.

    Its much appreciated really. considering this all went down about 11 hours ago its kind of fresh in my mind, so i thought id throw it up there as it NEVER happens to me and just seems really crazy, definitely a confidence booster for my newly single self. Ill probably call her within the next couple of days, drinks or a casual lunch was what i was thinking as suggested above.

    we did talk about how people get so into relationships that it becomes just another cause of stress, and i hinted about what i had just gone through, I think we are on the same page.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    my two cents: Call on Sunday evening, say hello, how was your weekend, what does your week ahead look like? If she's "really busy" you'll know what that means, if "nothing too exciting, just work" then you can guess what that means. You may be ready to call and have a casual get to know you a bit better get-together, but it's also 11hrs later for her too, so good idea to give some breathing space and take the temperature when do you talk.

  • yeah, no intention of calling until after a couple days.

    i may be clueless but i know when is too soon. my problem is waiting too long because of said cluelessness.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    we did talk about how people get so into relationships that it becomes just another cause of stress, and i hinted about what i had just gone through, I think we are on the same page.

    Cool. Now I think things can just develop in a natural way.

    I chimed in because I'm the same as you. I was awful at talking to girls. Once introduced, I can hold my own, but rolling up and getting it started always confronted me.

    Also, I met my wife in a bar when she hollered at me at Danny's (soul night! Jeah!) so I can relate. I saw her looking at me but I'd have never have gone up to her.
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