CLOVERFIELD (JJ Abrams mystery movie related)
10,475 Posts
Blair Witch meets Godzilla meets 28 Days Later?
Yeah. The new trailer reveals...
not much of anything new. Definitely looks like a monster movie in the Godzilla vein but there seems to be multiple monsters (maybe?) rather than just one. So far, I feel like hype > reality.
I thought that was that Dragon movie (or something like that) that just came out and faded away really quick?
That's the plot of every episode of ULTRA MAN except they'd always reveal the monster. And reveal that Ultra Man would always go WWF on that mf.
Also, i think there is a glimpse of the trouble maker in the background during the trailer (if you have quicktime pro, and download the highest def trailer and get to frame advancing).
looks interesting anyhow.