Favorite forgotten arcade classics...



  • This is gonna show my age a bit but I used to like these when I was younger

    Space Invaders
    Track & Field
    Donkey Kong
    Missle Command
    (table) Tennis
    Dragon's Lair (beat it once)

    and my all time favorite...


  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    dig dug
    battle tank

    alright, who remembers the arcade game that was based on lupin the 3rd? it actually played out the movie and you had to make the correct choices (turn -> or fire gun or whatever)..... i want to say it was a laser type game like dragon's lair.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I used to play these all the time.

    Yie Ar Kung Fu

    Karate Champ

    Does anyone know if there's an emulator that can play the OG Dragon's Lair or Space Ace? I would love to try and play those again (and not spend $5 in quarters in 2 minutes).

    Word to Don Bluth

  • markus71markus71 937 Posts
    love this one....

  • covecove 1,566 Posts

    Along with Paperboy, Klax, SFII, Super Sprint, Arkanoid etc.

    Yes I built my own arcade.

    You OWN all these arcade games??!!!

    ('no graemlin possible' vs 'almost all of them')...

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Does anyone know if there's an emulator that can play the OG Dragon's Lair or Space Ace? I would love to try and play those again (and not spend $5 in quarters in 2 minutes).

    I rented a DVD version of Space Ace once, it was really hard to play with the DVD remote and I ended up just watching the game play itself out. When it comes to laserdic games, I always liked watching Cliff Hanger (based upon Lupin III):

  • narc.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts

    CABAL two player rollerball madness

    Return of the Jedi

    GoKarts + Arcade + local slut(s)=

    Anybody remember the TV game show that came on Sunday or Saturday early morning that had three contestants and a host. They competed on the newest arcade games. Was mid-80's??? Its was kinda like a Joker's Wild type setup.

  • ZachDZachD 318 Posts

    My favorite obscure game was probably Mr. Do or this game that was very similar to asteroids except you had two ships connected by a vector graphic line. You could fire from both ships unless one got killed. You could have two players play each ship but you were always tethered by the line so if you wanted to go left you both had to try and point left and go left, otherwise, you would "crack the whip" and pull the other guy around in front of you and then he would pull you around... all while shooting asteroids. I had to google it but it's called Space Duel and it's online to play.


    Shit is still hard but fun.


    This is a good jump off point for this.

    Games so obscure they never even existed. Really.. really.. REALLY next level.
    This is my business partner Eric's uncle's web page of his personal arcade where he has created games that existed only in movies such as THE LAST STAR FIGHTER and the game they get inside of in TRON - SPACE PARANOIDS.


    He also has in his collection COMPUTER SPACE (The first video game - EVER, as seen in SOYLENT GREEN) and a whole grip of rare and obscure games - most of the ones posted in this thread (some are in storage and not shown).

    That's some Uncle...

  • What about joints with unusual cabinets like

    Crossbow - had the laser pointer crossbow

    Space Harrier

    OG Ninja Warriors with the 3 screens and headphone jack

    Sega OutRun

    Can't find a picture but anyone remember the OG street fighter machine where you had to hit pads with your fists?

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts

    OG Ninja Warriors with the 3 screens and headphone jack

    Damn, Wow, I remember this game, is was fuckin unbelievable when it came out. Expensive to play I remember. Bad ass graphics. Thanks, you dropped a raer.

    That Crossbow game was hard as fuck too.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts


  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts

    Now you're talkin'! Metal Slug must be one of my favorite side-scrollers of all time.

  • One of, if not THE, best 4-players-as-a-team[/b] games EVAR.

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    Victory Road, unless someone's already said it.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    A little late in the game....but when this came out....this was the JUMP OFF

  • Space Harrier

    Space Harrier was dope. I really liked that game.

  • deLYSdeLYS 388 Posts




  • tempest was mentioned, but we need a screenshot!

    was ADDICTED to this back in junior high days.. could not get enough. the "hyperspace" advance to the next level is STILL awesome...

    OMEGA RACE (ghetto vector "zero gravity" feeling, like asteroids but with a "track")



    and the ultimate pulse pounding YOU ARE DOOMED game, robotron 2084!

  • Can't believe www.klov.com hasn't been mentioned yet. Seriously, if you are into arcade games, they have EVERYTHING.

    Personal favorite of mine:

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Most of these joints listed are st8 up classics.

    Ring King, the arcade version not the home.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Most of these joints listed are st8 up classics.

    Ring King, the arcade version not the home.

    for days.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Some of ya'll are taking me baaaaaaack in this thread.

    SPACE DUEL. Holy f----- sh---! I had totally forgotten about that game but I used to try to play that on the regular (and get my ass kicked by it).

    I remember first seeing Space Harrier at Circus Circus in Las Vegas back in the '80s when there was no other place for kids to go in that city. The whole game was just pretty surreal...like the idea that this guy was running around with a rocket engine tucked under his arm. Vs. those crazy centipede flying dragon things? Someone was tripping hard in coming up with that one.

    And I still remember when Dragon's Lair first dropped and there seemed like there'd be this instant where laser disc games might make it big (nope). Anyone remember Cobra Command? THAT was my shit (even though I only ever saw the game in Vegas and apparently, it was mega-rare).

    One of the stranger games...whose gameplay was more redundant than it initially might have seemed but graphically, was pretty striking:

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,413 Posts

    i would LOVE to play this again.

  • all right...who remembers Sega's hologram game "Time Traveller." That shit was serious back in the early 90's.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    all right...who remembers Sega's hologram game "Time Traveller." That shit was serious back in the early 90's.

    Holy shit. I probably would have never remembered this if it hadn't been brought up (and had a pic to accompany). That game was so.....something. Wow.

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    wonder boy and rastan saga!
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