If u have a balcony, look for wires running along the wall. They're often near balconies to make for easier servicing. Grab a wire that continues up to the next floor & cut into it. Connect to splitter. Bang. Instant cable.
Dudes, depending on how up on shit your local cabel place is when you cut their line they know. They will send a dude out to investigate. My boy was building a workshop in his back yard, ended up cutting a cable line and then repairing it himself, next day cable company was out asking questions...
The friends I had help me "tagged" the patch cable, their tag over rides anything Comcast can do to it. Looks totally legit to the cable company.
uh. fuck all that technical stuff. can i just borrow your friends?
hmmm i thought the reason why comcast was going 'digital' with their service was so that they could have complete control over your cable. like if youre late on payment they can disconnect it from their offices as opposed to sending out a comcast guy to do it? wouldnt they know that something happened to the line momentarily? am i missing something? can i or should i re-tap into my cable?
my friends dad steals cable but via the satellite. he gets any ole satellite dish(runs anywhere between 40 to 50 dollars) and a box (these get up in price to around 100 to 200) and just reprograms the card thingie. he's an engineeer so its easy for him. He gets all the premium channels plus pay-per-view.
you dont realize how much you miss cable until they cut it.
[color:#FFFFFF] al7bar.tk (FTAstrut) lyngsat.com (shows you all the birds in the sky and what they're carrying)
it's easier than it seems, but you have to be willing to read. Big Dudes will punk you if you ask Lil Dude questions just like the strut. All the answers are in those two spots... just read and learn.
momentarily? am i missing something? can i or should i re-tap into my cable?
you can still tap but you just get the analog signal that they are still passing through...first 100 channels or so which are often the crappy basic ones. advances are being made in defeating the digital cable boxes but for now it's cat and mouse. those boxes know when you're fiddling with them and they talk with their main base.
uh. fuck all that technical stuff. can i just borrow your friends?
my friends dad steals cable but via the satellite. he gets any ole satellite dish(runs anywhere between 40 to 50 dollars) and a box (these get up in price to around 100 to 200) and just reprograms the card thingie. he's an engineeer so its easy for him. He gets all the premium channels plus pay-per-view.
you dont realize how much you miss cable until they cut it.
al7bar.tk (FTAstrut)
lyngsat.com (shows you all the birds in the sky and what they're carrying)
it's easier than it seems, but you have to be willing to read. Big Dudes will punk
you if you ask Lil Dude questions just like the strut. All the answers are in those
two spots... just read and learn.
(see above)
the real question is why would you want to watch the Knicks play?
viva los Warriors!
you can still tap but you just get the analog signal that they are still passing through...first 100 channels or so which are often the crappy basic ones. advances are being made in defeating the digital cable boxes but for now it's cat and mouse. those boxes know when you're fiddling with them and they talk with their main base.