Ferguson Grand Jury Says A Badge Is A License To Kill Unarmed Black Guys



  • PatrickCrazy said:
    hateful drivel

    May they all choke on their own vomit ASAP
    cracker ass cracker community
    Take your head out of your ass.
    none of you are bright enough
    you're all stupid, selfish, weak little bastards
    right-wing douchebag
    Don't be stupid, if you can manage it

    Nah, I don't see it.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Frank said:
    diverting Dickbreath's attention

    I'm pretty sure this dude is Charles Barkley irl

    I had to google this guy... washed up, semi-obese ex-athlete who's never been good at nothing but playing with balls, a long time ago... sad.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Frank said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Frank said:
    diverting Dickbreath's attention

    I'm pretty sure this dude is Charles Barkley irl

    I had to google this guy... washed up, semi-obese ex-athlete who's never been good at nothing but playing with balls, a long time ago... sad.

    He also says stuff like this but my white privilege and guilt allows me to see right through this bullshit

    FERGUSON, Mo. (CBS St. Louis) – NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley is defending police officers, calling it “ridiculous” that people claim white cops are just out there killing black people.

    Speaking to CNN on Tuesday, Barkley stated that if it wasn’t for police, the ghetto would be like the “wild, wild west.”

    “The notion that white cops are out there just killing black people – that’s ridiculous. That’s just flat-out ridiculous,” the TNT basketball analyst told CNN. “I challenge any black person to try to make that point. Cops are actually awesome. They are the only thing in the ghetto between this place being the wild, wild west. So this notion that cops are out there just killing black men is ridiculous and I hate that narrative coming out of this entire situation.”

    Barkley previously had strong words about the violent protesters in Ferguson, calling them “scumbags” for looting and setting businesses on fire after officer Darren Wilson was not indicted in the death of Michael Brown. He told CNN the only time America discusses race is when something bad happens.

    “We’ve always had a racial issue in this country and the biggest problem with it is we never discuss race until something bad happens. We never have meaningful dialogue over a cold beer when things are going good,” Barkley explained to CNN. “When something bad happens, everybody has a tribe mentality. Everybody wants to protect their own tribe, whether they’re right or wrong.”

    Barkley stated that there’s a reason why police racially profile the black community.

    “We as black people, we got a lot of crooks. We can’t just wait until something like this happens. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror,” Barkley told CNN. “There’s a reason they racially profile us at times. Sometimes it’s wrong, sometimes it’s right. To act like we hold no responsibility for some of this stuff is disingenuous.”

    Barkley also said that there needs to be stronger black leaders, and not the same case of “sad characters.”

    “Every time something happens in the black community, we have the same cast of sad characters. We don’t have to have Al Sharpton go there.”

    Barkley continued: “We need some strong black men in St. Louis to stand up and say ‘Hey, let’s handle this situation.’”

    Hundreds of protesters around the country have been arrested following last week’s grand jury announcement. The presence of police and National Guard in the Ferguson area has been scaled back following violent protests.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Frank said:
    this guy... washed up, semi-obese ex-athlete who's never been good at nothing but playing with balls, a long time ago... sad.

  • Oof! But a Barkley head with "cops are actually awesome" would be a good graemlin.

  • Barkley also said that Adrian Peterson whipping his 4 year old Kunta Kinte style was okay because it's just a Southern thing.

    There's a lot to like about Chuckles but when he opens his mouth you never know if a pearl or a turd is about to fall out.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Controller_7 said:
    Oof! But a Barkley head with "cops are actually awesome" would be a good graemlin.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    “The notion that white cops are out there just killing black people – that’s ridiculous. That’s just flat-out ridiculous,” the TNT basketball analyst told CNN. “I challenge any black person to try to make that point."

    I challenge Charles Barkley to spell "ridiculous".

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Oh, and we can change the thread title to

    Grand Jury says cops can kill you with choke hold that is banned by the police.



    Cop determined to be unfit for duty, stays on force, kills child.


  • Was listening to this earlier:

    "Suddenly my eyes went so soft and shaky
    I knew there was pain but pain is not aching
    Then Richie, Richie said:
    "Hey man let's dress up like cops
    Think of what we could do!"
    But something, something - said, "You better not."

    Television - Venus De Milo

  • Fred_GarvinFred_Garvin The land of wind and ghosts 337 Posts
    volumen said:
    Cop determined to be unfit for duty, stays on force, kills child.


    If we're being technical, it's "Cop determined by his chief to be unfit for duty, then 'quits', is somehow deemed 'eligible for rehire' and joins a different force in a bigger city".

    Barkley is an insightful and entertaining sports analyst... and he was spot-on when he famously said "I am not a role model". Check for Kenny "The Jet" Smith's response to Barkley's comments.

  • Not going back to review entire thread, but was there any discussion of the grand jury docs that were released?

    This one is...interesting...on a number of levels: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2014/11/24/ferguson-evidence/assets/reports/witness-40-journal-entry.pdf

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    HOLLAFAME said:
    Not going back to review entire thread, but was there any discussion of the grand jury docs that were released?

    This one is...interesting...on a number of levels: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2014/11/24/ferguson-evidence/assets/reports/witness-40-journal-entry.pdf

    Yes, we got it. Brown charged like a football player from about 40 yards away. He had no weapon and was already shot twice and bleeding possibly to death...so of course all 'fraidy cat could do was shoot Brown at least 5 more times until he stopped him (literally) dead in his tracks still 30 yards away. That's the only way to treat a "demon", right?

  • HarveyCanal said:

    Yes, we got it. Brown charged like a football player from about 40 yards away. He had no weapon and was already shot twice and bleeding possibly to death...so of course all 'fraidy cat could do was shoot Brown at least 5 more times until he stopped him (literally) dead in his tracks still 30 yards away. That's the only way to treat a "demon", right?

    Would you have been ok with Wilson shooting if Brown was within 10 yards? 5? 1?
    Just curious.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    HarveyCanal said:

    Yes, we got it. Brown charged like a football player from about 40 yards away. He had no weapon and was already shot twice and bleeding possibly to death...so of course all 'fraidy cat could do was shoot Brown at least 5 more times until he stopped him (literally) dead in his tracks still 30 yards away. That's the only way to treat a "demon", right?

    Would you have been ok with Wilson shooting if Brown was within 10 yards? 5? 1?
    Just curious.

    Not really. Brown had no weapon and he was already shot twice and cops are trained to handle non-lethal threats short of emptying entire clips into people.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    HarveyCanal said:

    Not really. Brown had no weapon and he was already shot twice and cops are trained to handle non-lethal threats short of emptying entire clips into people.

    Should be trained. to handle non-leathal threats.

  • HarveyCanal said:

    Not really. Brown had no weapon and he was already shot twice and cops are trained to handle non-lethal threats short of emptying entire clips into people.

    Should be trained. to handle non-leathal threats.

    Very important distinction.

    And I understand the argument that, once the officer has made the decision to use his weapon, trying to find the line where he should "be ok" again and start using non-lethal force to deal with the situation is almost impossible from an objective outsider. An officer is pulling his gun to kill, not wound or slow down. But I don't really think they are trained for alternatives to the gun.

    To be honest, I find the lack of charges in the Eric Garner case more appalling. Seems much more clear that Mr. Garner was not a threat AND the killer used an illegal choke hold. Reading about this in the news has really kinda fucked me up. I mean... the man had time to say "I can't breathe," 11 times before passing out and dying. Because a cop thought he was selling some loosies on the corner.

    I just really hope all this outrage and media coverage results in some real, deep rooted changes. Because the system seems pretty fucked up right now.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    Again, I'll say that it's the unconscious biases against big, Black males that underlie both the Brown and Garner killings. The common stereotype that Black guys are violent and dangerous drives such behavior. In earlier posts, I never said that Darren Wilson consciously decided to kill Michael Brown. Instead, I think he acted reflexively based upon his unconscious biases (and fear). Regarding Charles Barkley, he has some valid points about personal responsibility on the part of the Black community. Namely, because we know that some cops have negative stereotypes against Black males as violent, we should never behave in ways that arouse feelings of threat or danger. On the contrary, we should be polite and respectful, irrespective of whatever disrespect is perpetrated against us (which happens, and I have personal stories in this regard!). Otherwise, we can end up like Eric Garner or Michael Brown. Ultimately, it is very unlikely that a presumably 'threatened' officer will be inclined to think beyond an immediate threat response in reacting to any sort of confrontation from a Black male. Simply put, we cannot come across as confrontational even if our response is one of righteous indignation for being falsely implicated for a crime. We tend to be expressive by nature but, by and large, I think this communication style gets misinterpreted at times as 'aggressive.' Surely, there are some that will fail to understand my logic, but trust me, it is deeply rooted in actual experience as a presumed 'perpetrator.'


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • Big_Stacks said:
    we should never behave in ways that arouse feelings of threat or danger. On the contrary, we should be polite and respectful, irrespective of whatever disrespect is perpetrated against us

    Everyone should.
    How is this not an easy choice for some?

  • BallzDeep said:
    Big_Stacks said:
    we should never behave in ways that arouse feelings of threat or danger. On the contrary, we should be polite and respectful, irrespective of whatever disrespect is perpetrated against us

    Everyone should.
    How is this not an easy choice for some?

    Are you serious? Have you ever heard of testosterone? Did you have any when you were 18 years old?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    Big_Stacks said:
    we should never behave in ways that arouse feelings of threat or danger. On the contrary, we should be polite and respectful, irrespective of whatever disrespect is perpetrated against us

    Everyone should.
    How is this not an easy choice for some?

    What if you're 12?

  • LazarusOblong said:
    BallzDeep said:
    Big_Stacks said:
    we should never behave in ways that arouse feelings of threat or danger. On the contrary, we should be polite and respectful, irrespective of whatever disrespect is perpetrated against us

    Everyone should.
    How is this not an easy choice for some?

    Are you serious? Have you ever heard of testosterone? Did you have any when you were 18 years old?

    Ever heard of self control or restraint?
    Look it up and try it sometime.
    Especially in situations when it might help you.

    Wow. I can't believe I even had to say that.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    BallzDeep said:
    Big_Stacks said:
    we should never behave in ways that arouse feelings of threat or danger. On the contrary, we should be polite and respectful, irrespective of whatever disrespect is perpetrated against us

    Everyone should.
    How is this not an easy choice for some?

    Hey BallzDeep,

    The problem is micro-aggressions, everyday slights and mistreatment that are associated with stigmatized group status (e.g., racial-ethnic minorities, women, the disabled, older adults, GLBT, etc.). These incidents are cumulative and, after a while, they piss people the fuck off. This can lead some folks to react in a volatile manner because of being fed up with being treated with indignity. Again, I can tell you that on a nearly daily basis, when in lived in Milwaukee, I would encounter this kind of treatment. However, because I know how my anger and indignation might be interpreted, I had to keep my emotions in check to maintain my life. This is the lesson my brothers must learn because the benefit of the doubt will not be extended in some instances, as the Brown and Garner cases show.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • Yeah Stacks I can see that.
    Nobody said it would be easy.

    And yes, I ultimately agree with everyone that the force needs work. Lots.
    But shit, man... who the hell would ever want that job? Especially now?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I don't think the problem is lack of restraint and self control among African Americans.
    It is the lack of restraint and self control among some police officers.

    Take DW: Could have stopped his car, gotten out and talked to the youths.
    Instead, lacking restraint, yelled from his car.
    Could have waited for back up when youths did not comply, instead aggressively confronted them.
    Could have used pepper spray when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.
    Could have used baton when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.
    Could have used flashlight when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.
    Could have used taser (except he chose not to carry one) when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.

    Michael Brown is dead, not because of his lack of restraint, but because of DW's failure to exercise self control and restraint.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Full Stop.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    I don't think the problem is lack of restraint and self control among African Americans.
    It is the lack of restraint and self control among some police officers.

    Take DW: Could have stopped his car, gotten out and talked to the youths.
    Instead, lacking restraint, yelled from his car.
    Could have waited for back up when youths did not comply, instead aggressively confronted them.
    Could have used pepper spray when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.
    Could have used baton when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.
    Could have used flashlight when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.
    Could have used taser (except he chose not to carry one) when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.

    Michael Brown is dead, not because of his lack of restraint, but because of DW's failure to exercise self control and restraint.

    Hey LaserWolf,

    I couldn't agree with you more! My comments were geared toward self-preservation versus legitimizing some cops' behaviors that are based upon unconscious biases and fears. Ultimately, the goal is to preserve life, and dependence on the benevolence and cultural insights of some cops, apparently, is insufficient. The root of this issue is cultural misunderstanding which can lead to a lot of miscommunication, dangerous assumptions, and intergroup strife. Hell, look at some of the discussion in this thread. It's literally, in some instances, a tale of two (or more) cultures.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I hear you.
    I understood what you were saying.


  • LaserWolf said:
    I don't think the problem is lack of restraint and self control among African Americans.
    It is the lack of restraint and self control among some police officers.

    Take DW: Could have stopped his car, gotten out and talked to the youths.
    Instead, lacking restraint, yelled from his car.
    Could have waited for back up when youths did not comply, instead aggressively confronted them.
    Could have used pepper spray when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.
    Could have used baton when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.
    Could have used flashlight when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.
    Could have used taser (except he chose not to carry one) when things escalated, instead pulled his gun.

    Michael Brown is dead, not because of his lack of restraint, but because of DW's failure to exercise self control and restraint.

    Yes, I agree.
    But which one do you have control over? The cops decisions or your own?
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