Deflategate and All Things Superbowl



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    The scientific phenomena in which a football will lose pressure due to temperature change has officially been named the McNally-Jastremski Effect.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    God I hope Brady is suspended.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    One more reason to hate that guy and that organization.

  • RAJ said:
    God I hope Brady is suspended.

    That way Rapistberger might have a chance to win in the opener.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    RAJ said:
    God I hope Brady is suspended.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    Brady is a cheat.
    Stuff like this ruins sports for the fans.

  • LaserWolf said:

    Brady is a cheat.
    Stuff like this ruins sports for the fans.

    Seems more like 75% of NFL fans are enjoying this.

    Can't beat 'em on the field, beat 'em with a poorly reasoned report and pray for a suspension.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    Maybe teams could beat them on the field if they didn't have to video tape defensive signals, radio frequencies (not allowed by the NFL) feeding defensive strategy to their QB up to the snap of the ball, balls inflated to the correct measurements, exploit the rule of eligible receiver, etc... I digress...

    For me the thing that ticks me off is dude comes out in a press conference and flat out deny involvement, acts as if he knows nothing of air pressure, and is just a dumb jock doing what he's being paid to do. To me the ball pressure situation isn't any different than Sammy Sosa corking his bat. He gonna smash a home run REGARDLESS. The fact you feel you need to gain an advantage and then deny involvement is more disconcerting. Nobody should be above the game and liars get no love from me.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    rain103 said:
    To me the ball pressure situation isn't any different than Sammy Sosa corking his bat. He gonna smash a home run REGARDLESS. The fact you feel you need to gain an advantage and then deny involvement is more disconcerting.


  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    LazarusOblong said:

    Seems more like 75% 99.9% of NFL fans are enjoying this.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts

  • djtopcatdjtopcat Seattle WA The 206 312 Posts
    The problem with all this is anybody with a brain should be asking "What else have the Patriots done that hasn't been caught?"
    1.Spygate 2. Tuck Rule 3. Deflategate

    There's a pattern of proven cheating. Sean Payton was suspended for a year and he really had nothing to do with Bountygate so what do you think is going to be the punishment for a repeat offender? The NFL has to and I believe will bring the hammer down hard on Brady,BB and the organization. My guess is the same as John Clayton's. Brady 4 game suspension,BB 8 games, 500 to a mil fine, one draft pick forfeited in 2016. Sad tainted legacy. It is what it is.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    They'll get caught for whatever else eventually... They're not very good at cheating.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    heard on the radio that BB has been cleared, it's just Brady and the two dudes he said he didn't know

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    JonnyPaycheck said:
    heard on the radio that BB has been cleared, it's just Brady and the two dudes he said he didn't know

    I read that too.
    I think the coach and the owner should be punished as well. But I know that wont happen.
    I think it's sad that most the blame (and perhaps punishment?) is going to the 2 low paid employees.

  • djtopcat said:
    The problem with all this is anybody with a brain should be asking "What else have the Patriots done that hasn't been caught?"
    1.Spygate 2. Tuck Rule 3. Deflategate

    There's a pattern of proven cheating. Sean Payton was suspended for a year and he really had nothing to do with Bountygate so what do you think is going to be the punishment for a repeat offender? The NFL has to and I believe will bring the hammer down hard on Brady,BB and the organization. My guess is the same as John Clayton's. Brady 4 game suspension,BB 8 games, 500 to a mil fine, one draft pick forfeited in 2016. Sad tainted legacy. It is what it is.

    You'd have to be a world class moron to cite the Tuck Rule as an example of cheating.

    Someone else mentioned radio signals. What's the frequency, Kenneth?

  • LaserWolf said:
    JonnyPaycheck said:
    heard on the radio that BB has been cleared, it's just Brady and the two dudes he said he didn't know

    I read that too.
    I think the coach and the owner should be punished as well. But I know that wont happen.
    I think it's sad that most the blame (and perhaps punishment?) is going to the 2 low paid employees.

    Stupid analysis. Those two guys drink free for the rest of their lives. They're heroes who told Ted Wells to go fuck himself.

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    The radio frequency / Brady's helmet mic came from the following articles:

    [em]Quarterbacks communicate with the sidelines via microphones in their helmets that pick up an NFL-monitored radio frequency. An NFL sideline official cuts off communications on this frequency 15 seconds before the play clock runs out.

    Offensive plays would be called based on stolen signals and the information relayed straight to Brady’s helmet, O’Leary theorizes.

    In this scenario, the extra frequency is critical, as it allows the team to do something in real time with the stolen signals, out of earshot of the NFL monitor, and change its plays accordingly.

    If there’s an open channel during the play itself, you can also alert the quarterback to open receivers he may not see.

    O’Leary repeats a rumor that Pats backup quarterback Doug Flutie once said he accidentally picked up Brady’s helmet during the 2005 season.

    “He was amazed that the coaches kept right on speaking to Brady past the 15-second cutoff, right up until the snap,” ­according to O’Leary.

    “The voice in Tom Brady’s helmet was explaining the exact defense he was about to face.”

  • The radio frequency / Brady's helmet mic came from the following articles:

    [em]Quarterbacks communicate with the sidelines via microphones in their helmets that pick up an NFL-monitored radio frequency. An NFL sideline official cuts off communications on this frequency 15 seconds before the play clock runs out.

    Offensive plays would be called based on stolen signals and the information relayed straight to Brady’s helmet, O’Leary theorizes.

    In this scenario, the extra frequency is critical, as it allows the team to do something in real time with the stolen signals, out of earshot of the NFL monitor, and change its plays accordingly.

    If there’s an open channel during the play itself, you can also alert the quarterback to open receivers he may not see.

    O’Leary repeats a rumor that Pats backup quarterback Doug Flutie once said he accidentally picked up Brady’s helmet during the 2005 season.

    “He was amazed that the coaches kept right on speaking to Brady past the 15-second cutoff, right up until the snap,” ­according to O’Leary.

    “The voice in Tom Brady’s helmet was explaining the exact defense he was about to face.”

    O'Leary? Ha ha.

    You're dumber than the rutabaga who cited the Tuck Rule.

  • Rockadelic said:

    In which Soulstrut's leading climate change denier reveals that his idea of a scientific journal is Bleacher Report.

  • djtopcatdjtopcat Seattle WA The 206 312 Posts
    The radio frequency / Brady's helmet mic came from the following articles:

    [em]Quarterbacks communicate with the sidelines via microphones in their helmets that pick up an NFL-monitored radio frequency. An NFL sideline official cuts off communications on this frequency 15 seconds before the play clock runs out.

    Offensive plays would be called based on stolen signals and the information relayed straight to Brady’s helmet, O’Leary theorizes.

    In this scenario, the extra frequency is critical, as it allows the team to do something in real time with the stolen signals, out of earshot of the NFL monitor, and change its plays accordingly.

    If there’s an open channel during the play itself, you can also alert the quarterback to open receivers he may not see.

    O’Leary repeats a rumor that Pats backup quarterback Doug Flutie once said he accidentally picked up Brady’s helmet during the 2005 season.

    “He was amazed that the coaches kept right on speaking to Brady past the 15-second cutoff, right up until the snap,” ­according to O’Leary.

    “The voice in Tom Brady’s helmet was explaining the exact defense he was about to face.”

    O'Leary? Ha ha.

    You're dumber than the rutabaga who cited the Tuck Rule.

    Well if you're capable of removing Tom Brady's sausage from your mouth for 10 seconds I'll explain.
    You're obviously just a blind Patriots pom pom waver. You probably thought Aaron Hernandez was innocent and framed lol

    Now back to the tuck rule.. 2001 Raiders cb Charles Woodson sacks Brady and causes an obvious fumble and it's game over Pats lose and do not get their first SB win, but no the crooked game played in Foxboro couldn't end that way. After a lengthy ref huddle and discussion (aka call from Robert Kraft) the refs come back and cite some ludicrous thing called the "Tuck Rule" saying Brady was pulling the ball into his body and thus was an incomplete pass. Only problem is that is not what happened and you can watch it until your eyes bleed from every angle and it's a very clear fumble recovered by one of the Raiders defensive linemen. They basically handed the Pats the game. I'm more surprised Al Davis didn't put a hit out on those crooked refs.

    Okay I'm done now enjoy Tom Brady's suspension, and your beloved Cheatriots not even making the playoffs next season haha
    Attached files

  • The radio frequency / Brady's helmet mic came from the following articles:

    [em]Quarterbacks communicate with the sidelines via microphones in their helmets that pick up an NFL-monitored radio frequency. An NFL sideline official cuts off communications on this frequency 15 seconds before the play clock runs out.

    Offensive plays would be called based on stolen signals and the information relayed straight to Brady’s helmet, O’Leary theorizes.

    In this scenario, the extra frequency is critical, as it allows the team to do something in real time with the stolen signals, out of earshot of the NFL monitor, and change its plays accordingly.

    If there’s an open channel during the play itself, you can also alert the quarterback to open receivers he may not see.

    O’Leary repeats a rumor that Pats backup quarterback Doug Flutie once said he accidentally picked up Brady’s helmet during the 2005 season.

    “He was amazed that the coaches kept right on speaking to Brady past the 15-second cutoff, right up until the snap,” ­according to O’Leary.

    “The voice in Tom Brady’s helmet was explaining the exact defense he was about to face.”

    O'Leary? Ha ha.

    You're dumber than the rutabaga who cited the Tuck Rule.

    Well if you're capable of removing Tom Brady's sausage from your mouth for 10 seconds I'll explain.
    You're obviously just a blind Patriots pom pom waver. You probably thought Aaron Hernandez was innocent and framed lol

    Now back to the tuck rule.. 2001 Raiders cb Charles Woodson sacks Brady and causes an obvious fumble and it's game over Pats lose and do not get their first SB win, but no the crooked game played in Foxboro couldn't end that way. After a lengthy ref huddle and discussion (aka call from Robert Kraft) the refs come back and cite some ludicrous thing called the "Tuck Rule" saying Brady was pulling the ball into his body and thus was an incomplete pass. Only problem is that is not what happened and you can watch it until your eyes bleed from every angle and it's a very clear fumble recovered by one of the Raiders defensive linemen. They basically handed the Pats the game. I'm more surprised Al Davis didn't put a hit out on those crooked refs.

    Okay I'm done now enjoy Tom Brady's suspension, and your beloved Cheatriots not even making the playoffs next season haha

    Thanks for confirming my guess about your low IQ.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    And Brady gets a one month vacation.

  • LaserWolf said:
    And Brady gets a one month vacation.

    Don't count on it.

    But I guess the league needs to treat the Patriots like Harrison Bergeron since they're simply better than the rest.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Sweet... No Brady vs. The Steelers to open the season.

  • RAJ said:
    Sweet... No Brady vs. The Steelers to open the season.

    Get your excuses ready.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I don't understand why Brady is appealing.
    He drinks free for the rest of his life.

  • djtopcatdjtopcat Seattle WA The 206 312 Posts

  • rain103rain103 476 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    I don't understand why Brady is appealing.

    Because simply apologizing is too hard.
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