Music listening habits

I find I do my best actual "listening" in the car on my way to/from work......
At home, I'm sure it helps to have a room dedicated to listening (which I do not). I feel like listening solely to music is in constant competition with the tube and internet. First world problems for sure.
Curious. How do you dudes get down?
At home, I'm sure it helps to have a room dedicated to listening (which I do not). I feel like listening solely to music is in constant competition with the tube and internet. First world problems for sure.
Curious. How do you dudes get down?
At work. Got a 1TB badboy hidden behind the work PC and some good in-ear phones. They leave man alone when he is concentrating on "Technical" stuff [ProcessExplorer and some of it's graphs] ;)
At home, I got about 2 hours in the evening to myself total. Usually catching up with All Other Business.
My butler changes the records.
I prefer to listen to records upstairs in the music room (aka Stacks Laboratories where I cook up the beats) since it's off in the cut. I listen to joints in the family room on occasion, chillin' on the couch (with scotch).
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Good times are when the wifey goes out for a night with friends and I chill to crack a few brews and sit through a few LPs (and burn to the computer while I'm at it so I can also enjoy said records on the train, etc.)
I got into a nice little ritual on Fridays in the summer where I got red and blasted music while I picked records for the next day's radio show and hung out on the front porch watching the sun go down.
I go through stages at work - depending on how much I want to block out my neighbours' voices and eating noises.
I particularly enjoy it when my friends are willing to let me blast the raps in their car off my phone.
I have music on my iPod, but I haven't removed the headphones from the case since I got my iPod5 months ago...
Yup, I do this fairly often......the music sounds so good with your eyes closed and just focused in on the sound...definitely puts me to sleep too..
I have a bluetooth speaker in my office at work that pairs with my iphone, and a bunch of my mixes are on the phone. So I'll shut the door and play that shit sometimes when working on proposals/reports.
I also have a portable in the living room at home with a bluetooth speaker and a stack of jazz essentials that I'll play as background after dinner now and then for my wife and 1yr old daughter. I prop my daughter up on my shoulders and dance around to the music--her giggles and shrieks of delight are the greatest sound in the universe.
Lastly, I have a setup in my basement, as well as a laptop hooked up to the TV down there. I'll mess around on the decks now and then, and use the laptop to download stuff that I play loud on bluetooth headphones.
On weekends, I'll sometimes pair my phone to the small bluetooth speaker and bring it in the washroom to listen to stuff while showering before heading out.
This thread made me realize that I might be a bit of an addict. Yikes.
"Music is my sanctuary, music is my life..."
And play loud latin or funk when I am cleaning my room.....
I don't listen to music while I'm working, or when I'm exercising, gotta focus I guess. If I'm drawing that's a different story.
on the AM train it's usually jazz as I can concentrate more deeply. PM train is more uptempo, often jazz funk, hip hop.
at home in the evening it's back to jazz. only recently had the opportunity to set my turntable up again, but need to listen through the computer due to space/neighbour restrictions.