Spacemen 3/Sonic Boom fans....most blatant song rip-off of all time?

when I first heard this Spectrum tune, I adored it, thought it was genius melding of pop and fuzzy organ..good tune. Then a few years later I got a chance to tour with Sonic Boom opening for him (Pete Kember..main Spectrum dude) and let him know how much I appreciated that song. Then 16 years later I hear this Evie Sands song. Keep in mind, the songwriting credit on the Spectrum is credited to Kember/Formby (formby was a member of Spectrum). Mind blown and respect for Peter dwindles.
my thread title might be a bit hyperbolic, but gee whiz...

my thread title might be a bit hyperbolic, but gee whiz...

Regardless, though - the Spectrum tune is a really rad version.
really, you just hear a similar chord progression? You dont hear the main keyboard melody(its even at the same tempo for chrissakes), the same changes, the same EVERYTHING except for a slight change in arrangement and different lyrics?
I am amazed at the "no big deal, not really stolen, its ok they claimed the song for themselves and collected royalties on something they CLEARLY didnt write"?
This much more of lift than do ya think Im sexy...did you listen to the evie all the way through?
whatever. Just don't claim its your song and put your name on it. Over the last 20 years I am realizing what a fucking hack Pete Kember is. When I was 20 and didn't know any better, it was cool...but now, not so much.
I mean, I think it's an interesting point to identify an original source like that.
But as far as the business behind the music, I don't really care.
also, originality is overrated.
This x 500,000
Again, Pete comped the evie sands tune, so I'm pretty sure it's the inspiration for 'how you satisfy me'. BUT, apart from the melody, there lyrics are different and the instrumentation is genius. Hardly hacky IMHO.