
for all the 50's-to-mid-60's RnB enthusiasts,b,121i've opened a site/forum to post your favorite finds, your sales/trades/wants, etc.b,121b,121you can check it out here...b,121b,121b1http://www.rnb45.com[/b]b,121b,121I've kicked it off by putting up a cheapies set sale on there,b,121so grip em if you don't got em.b,121b,121i'm also trying to have the site encompass early Soul, early Garage,b,121Girl Group, & some Doo-Wop, so if thats your bag, come check it out.b,121b,121Disclaimer: I am a huge fan of the Strut, and in no way mean tob,121detract attention from this board or discourage from participation on this board.