Favorite Will Ferrell Lines That You Drop Randomly
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Currently I am feeling:"get out of my face" "GET INTO YOUR FACE!""Do you take... lovers walks?"And the ever-apropos "KILL THE MALAYSIAN PRIME MINISTER!"add on...
"I drive a Dodge Strata!!!"
"You suck it and suck it hard!!!!"
"I have many leatherbound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany."
... it seems that liberals and godless tax raisers are trying to make me look bad, by using such things as facts ... and scientific data ...
"Look, I don't speak Spanish."
give her two tickets to the gun show..."
"Sweet Eli Whitney's nose"
"I'm expressing my inner anguish through the majesty of song"
ok when he went running down the street naked in oldschool.. that was classik!!
"No one knows what it means. It's just provocative. It gets the crowd going" commenting on only skating to My Hump.
I'll probably slaughter this line but it's another from Anchroman, so I'll just try to paraphrase it:
So hot outside, drinking milk was a bad choice
"Great Odins Raven!"
and also...
"I dabble"
This is the one I quote the most too. I think it goes like
"Soooo....hot...milk was a bad choice."
sorry for the caps but he is yelling at the kid playin baseball
"Thank you baby Jesus."
"Dear 6-pound, 8-ounce baby Jesus, lying in your ghost manger, listening to Baby Einstein tapes...."
Also, "I'm going to punch you in the ovary." Works great when you say it to a guy.
i'm gonna shoot you with a BB gun when you're not looking. yep, back of the head.
You're my boy, Blue! You're my boy.
Milk Was A Bad Choice!!
Peppers: You should pull that out.
Frank: Wait, pull what out?
Peppers: The dart. You gotta fucking dart in your neck.
Frank: [laughs] Y-You're crazy, man. You're crazy. I like you, but you're crazy.
has anyone seen his audition for snl where he pretends to be a cat???
yeah that was my choice too
"Oh I didn't see you there, you caught me mending my fences..."
"sea bass"
"goat meat"
sounds dumb, i know, but it made me laugh something fierce and i only caught it once during daytime snl reruns on E! - can anyone else back my play on this, or correctly id these lines?!?