I gotta say that the cops were fully within their rights to shut it down. That music was horrible.
Music snob. Not my cup of tea either. But whatever. From what I remember, they had all their paperwork in order. But that would be pretty crazy to be DJing and all of a sudden getting hit with police helicopter spotlights!
From a comment on Utube.
"Yeah, this happened in Utah up Provo Canyon a few years ago. The venue was properly licenced with private security checking people at the gate and on private land with the permission of the landowner. The Sheriffs office took MAJOR heat for this on a national level."
thats crazy. Having like a swat team shut down some glow stick herbs.
My annoying dj stories are pretty limited. The one time this weird dude who kept telling me he was epileptic kept getting way to close to the turns and kept bumping my serto usb wire out. So the music would cut out and i would freak the fuck out trying to get it back on and slamming in tracks from wax. I finally lost my shit and told him to get the fuck out of here or i was gonna punch him in the face. The same night some drunk psycho looking dude, all tatted up and pissed, got real mad at me cause his girl kept grabbing up on me and getting all flirty. I wasnt into it and kept avoiding her, but this dude was shooting me daggers. My roommate started dancing with this chick and dude just lost his mind and went into this crazy jealous rage. Started shoving my boy and getting all uppity. He got all tough and the bouncers beat the shit out of him. At the same place another night, i was spinning and this dude at the bar just started saying he wanted to stab people. The bartender, a 6'5 meathead motherfucker, just yolked him up and gave him the nastiest headbutt ive ever seen then jumped over the bar and just started lacing into this dude. My boy opened the door and the bartender just threw this dude out in the parking lot and his face hit a curb. Dude layed there for like 20 minutes, bleeding. While this was going on i put on cypress hill - how i could kill a man and that added mad fuel to the fire. Shit was wild.
But isn't the biggest nightmare stories for DJs always about either getting their equipment ripped off or their crates in some matter?
what about the dude who blew chunks in the DJ's bag...
I gotta say that the cops were fully within their rights to shut it down. That music was horrible.
Music snob. Not my cup of tea either. But whatever. From what I remember, they had all their paperwork in order. But that would be pretty crazy to be DJing and all of a sudden getting hit with police helicopter spotlights!
From a comment on Utube.
"Yeah, this happened in Utah up Provo Canyon a few years ago. The venue was properly licenced with private security checking people at the gate and on private land with the permission of the landowner. The Sheriffs office took MAJOR heat for this on a national level."
That shit is crazy. Can't say i like the music. But im also not a fan of peoples rights being trampled in the dirt.
My annoying dj stories are pretty limited. The one time this weird dude who kept telling me he was epileptic kept getting way to close to the turns and kept bumping my serto usb wire out. So the music would cut out and i would freak the fuck out trying to get it back on and slamming in tracks from wax. I finally lost my shit and told him to get the fuck out of here or i was gonna punch him in the face. The same night some drunk psycho looking dude, all tatted up and pissed, got real mad at me cause his girl kept grabbing up on me and getting all flirty. I wasnt into it and kept avoiding her, but this dude was shooting me daggers. My roommate started dancing with this chick and dude just lost his mind and went into this crazy jealous rage. Started shoving my boy and getting all uppity. He got all tough and the bouncers beat the shit out of him. At the same place another night, i was spinning and this dude at the bar just started saying he wanted to stab people. The bartender, a 6'5 meathead motherfucker, just yolked him up and gave him the nastiest headbutt ive ever seen then jumped over the bar and just started lacing into this dude. My boy opened the door and the bartender just threw this dude out in the parking lot and his face hit a curb. Dude layed there for like 20 minutes, bleeding. While this was going on i put on cypress hill - how i could kill a man and that added mad fuel to the fire. Shit was wild.