The world of records is so huge...
4,922 Posts
...and I just had one of those moments where I remembered that what I know couldn't fill the BB hole on a promo 45.Thanks for helping that BB hole, everyone. I've learned a lot here. Just wanted to thank y'all.
He's been drinking again!
but, i mean that schitt! That is phill most real schitt right there! i done learned a lot from this joint. thanks are in order- i'd buy y'all drinks, but SoI will just have to drink up for ya.
oh, and the lady is home...i'm just up late, surfin' and watchin' the box scores. so, no patheticness to follow.
As my friend Dan, who is my most astute and unbiased baseball friend, put it last week...
"when you think about the best hitting tandems in baseball, you might as well throw out Manny and Ortiz, because they just don't count..."