a jazz-rock wantlist

aldus1967aldus1967 1 Post
edited July 2006 in Vinyl Wants / Trades
Dear friends,here is a list of things I've searched for years. If anyone can help me...Giovanni Tommaso - INDEFINITIVE ATMOSPHEREModem Art Trio (with Franco D???Andrea from Perigeo)Jazz Live Trio - Galatea (Konig, Peter Frei, Peter Schmidlin)Didier - obscure jazz-rock from GermanyPredmestje (I need all but their first...)september (jazz-rock from Yugoslavia)Pop Asamovic (His first album, Pop)Klaus Doldinger???s Motherhood (I don't know how many they made)Kosuke Mine - Second MineKosuke Mine - Out of ChaosCortex - Pourquoi (their last album)Burnin' Red Ivanhoe - Right On (Their last)Chameleon - obscure jazz-rock from Germanymany thanks just for reading!Aldo


  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts

    Klaus Doldinger???s Motherhood (I don't know how many they made)

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