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  • LaserWolf, you can run but you can't hide...I will hunt you down like a, er, wolf and subject you to Bobby Hebb's masterly Sunny '76. Yes, it's Sunny but with a disco beat, daddio. You'll love it. Bobby's disco version is dope. A very different…
  • Honestly a lot of that shit doesn't sell. I can't give away indie/inst hip-hop at the shop. So that would explain the lack of orders, and perhaps the lack of interest. TTL and DGA are different animals because they post reviews and people buy bas…
  • Thanks everybody. As already explained this comp is a comp of stuff that I've been put out on MPM over the last three years plus some unreleased stuff. There are tracks from fellow strutters A-Ko, McDee, Hawkeye (=Imperial Breed), Dreskie Boogie (…
  • My site is a cheap copy of . Stonesthrow.com. But mpmsite.com is coming soon and once that is online nobody will be able to spot the difference. Seriously what I like best about the new Waxpo site is the price for an overseas subscription: 80 $ (…
  • Thanks everybody who posted and pm-ed. Hua did send me a mail too. Another great example of the power of Soul Strut. It takes a nation of millions to hold us back
  • You guys really know how to use the net. Look here to check the Biz at the academy with the stupid German guy who I happen to know quiet well and who isn't stupid at all. Everybody who ever tried to interview Biz (not chatting with him at a diner) …
    in * Comment by Olski November 2005
  • You guys really know how to use the net. Look here to check the Biz at the academy with the stupid German guy who I happen to know quiet well and who isn't stupid at all. Everybody who ever tried to interview Biz (not chatting with him at a diner) …
    in * Comment by Olski November 2005
  • Lamont Dozier - Cool Me Out from his "Working On You" album back to back with all time favourite after-the-dance-slow-boogie-anthem "The Rub" from George & Gwen McCrae. I won't get into details why but I've been bumping these two tracks heavy o…
  • UNTER!
  • For personal reasons this is the Badu album in my life. PS: Pacman, you're welcome. Stop and on by and share your records and experiences.
  • Quite honestly, I gotta throw my two point one cents in... The track annoys the hell out of me regardless who did/covered it. Quite honestly, I gotta throw my two point one cents in... The track annoys is one of my all-time favourite tunes and …
  • This is what our leading news magazine is saying about the riots (written in english) RIOTING IN FRANCE Violence Outside Paris Worsens By Bj??rn Hengst in Clichy-sous-Bois One week after two Northern African teens were electrocuted in a Paris s…
  • Rude Poets and LSD - Cologne old school legends!
  • Hey P***, what's gonna happen with Jelly Jazz when you move? Let's sort out these gigs we were tlking about before you leave, ok ? ;-) Whatever city you choose it will be a great experience. I only moved 70 kms from my hometown to settle down in …
  • why so they keep on releasing these things...? you would think that after this: and this: they would have called it a day... (i wonder how long before they do a strata east remixed, or maybe mps reimagined...)
  • Lars is a cool guy - I've bought from him and traded with him and it was always a pleasure. His descriptions are not "dusty-groove like" and his grading is solid. Shipping from Euro to the US is usually about 10 days for airmail and five weeks to 8…
  • What's wrong with a new member explaining that he didn't caught the record bug through lurking this board and that he isn't a mp3 collector but is promoting the music he loves in the real world?
  • I try to stay away from retro rap but I like the album. It's different from new groups trying to "recreate" the golden age sound or a Pete Rock or Primo who just sound old and boring. Dooley's album sounds like a record he had in mind making like 15…
  • Rapper's clothing lines and hip-hop brands like Phat Farm & Co killed hip-hop fashion for me. Call me old-fashioned but I'm still into the concept of hip-hop fashion that is taking some item from a different context and make it hip-hop by wearin…
  • I think he also engineered a lot of BDP and EPMD records. "D.J. Doc you know he's down with us" makin funky rekords is a must!
  • Don't know what your definition of maid is. We have a "cleaning woman" because me and my wife are both self-employed and working full-time (= over time). So we ended up spending half of that one free day of the week cleaning our place. It sucked big…
  • O-Dub has blogged the 12" on his Soulsides Hawkeye: Still Jivin' From Breakbeatraer (Melting Pot, 2005) Meant to get this up earlier...my wacky brethren at Soulstrut.com have put their music where their mouths are and come up with a quartet of t…
  • Raj is stocking the very last copies of the first pressing (1.000 copies) with the blue cover. The second edition came in today and is printed in red.
  • http://www.turntablelab.com/index1.html Brethren stand up! Not that we???re part of the registered Strut community or anything, but y???all are like second cousins and the connections run deep. This is the primer for the compilation of material tha…
  • We have 150 copies left of the thr first pressing (1.000 copies). All shipped within one week. Not bad. US shops can order it through Traffic as soon as they have their order shipped from Groove Attack. Groove haven't placed an order. If they do I'…
  • All artists are getting their free copies. To save shipping costs from Europe, raj is taking care of sending copies to Dizzy, A-ko and Mike. but he only recieved stock last weekend. So give the man a minute.... The cheapest way to order the record…