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  • Lord. It's hard to even put into words how disfunctional that relationship has clearly been for a long time. That kid didn't wake up that morning like that out of the blue, and he seems lucid and making enough excuses to indicate he is aware of exa…
  • Rock's favorite song! Enjoy it in good health, you big sissy!
  • WHEN DO YOU THINK IS THE RIGHT TIME TO GET MARRIED? I think April and May weddings are the nicest.
  • 31 and thinking about it. We bought a house together already, but haven't found time to do the deed. I can say that I never would have chosen this girl earlier in my life. She wasn't flashy/stylee enough. But, now that I'm older and my tastes have …
  • 36 I really don't buy into the concept of "the One", life is simply too random. That said, my advice is too stay with someone who has your nose open just enough to make you want to try harder in all aspects of your life, but not so much that you m…
  • Woah, happy birthday to Mr. Break Genesis. Yeah, what Johnny said! As my friend Sluggo said after a drunken brawl he started that began as some poor girl's birthday party: "Happy f*ckin' birthday, bitch!"
  • This is surprising? Yes, because electing Obama was supposed to make race no longer relevant, Ray! Did only my White folks get that memo? Those kids have a lot of nerve reminding people in Philly that Black kids live there too.
  • Scruffy the Cat - My Baby She's Alright
  • The Three O' Clock - Her Head's Revolving
  • look how fucked up Macauley Culkin is.... oh and in the one case, michael wasnt aquitted, he paid an estimated sum of $20 million to the family that was a civil case, and it was a settlement. He didn't need to be aquitted, he was never criminally …
  • Also, for those that don't know, "never sir a cop" comes from an Iceberg Slim novel (though I can't recall which one). I believe it was one of his 'street commandments' or something. Well, for the record, I have also never beat a woman with a fold…
  • If you have to say anything at all to a cop, you might as well add 'Sir'. Unless you can't say it straight, then just one word answers. Cops don't like sarcasm.
  • og b&w - super red hot 90's color series - not so hot Exactly! I still watch marathons when they show them on Sci-Fi, really brings you back instantly to whenever you first experienced that unique Twilight Zone vibe. I especially remember lat…
  • F*ck YES. Several pair.
  • Ooops, my bad. But still didn't he pay one of the families off? and whY? In the 90s he paid out a multi-million settlement when threatened with a civil lawsuit and possible prosecution.
  • John Couger - Yes John Couger Mellencamp - Maybe John Mellencamp - No I agree. I saw him live back in the early 90s with a bunch of friends, he was great in concert. Like Tom Petty, you forget how many hits he had, and how many of them really st…
  • Where is smallaxerick with the big reveal on how it was easy to undersatand why she left? i've been waiting all weekend; I almost didn't go to work. I watched the speech, and you guys were right, she is nuts. But nuts don't listen to anybody, and…
  • I don't hope she's done. No sir. I love the fact that she overshadows mainstream Republicans like Pawlenty. Pawlenty is the anti-Palin. Dude could be featured in a "To Catch a Predator" Dateline special and it wouldn't even make the lead story on C…
  • Seriously, anyone talking about her running for president, let's take a look at that resume: Governor - Didn't last one term Mayor of Wasilla - Sweet. Seriously. That is her resume. Mine looks better, and I'm only half joking. You forgot failed V…
  • I had two little kids wake me up. What are you doing out of bed??? Took my Mother-in-law to work so the wife could sleep in. I am used to staying up late,she is not. Had a good friend from back home pass away on Thursday(no one you know, high sch…
  • I don't see what's so difficult to understand about why she resigned. Please do enlighten us. Because now she can pile up the dough speaking, and concentrate on running for President in 2012. I agree with Rick, it seems pretty obvious to me, but t…
  • the rumour is she may be about to indicted in relation to this: THE $12.5 MILLION sports complex and hockey rink that is the lasting monument to Palin's two terms as Wasilla mayor is also a monument to the kind of insider politics that dismays Amer…
  • I haven't seen the speech, and just because someone has made a decision based on strategy doesn't mean they have the stuff to carry it out. I am just stating what I figure is the most logical conclusion. The fact that she bungled her first speech ma…
  • I don't see what's so difficult to understand about why she resigned. Please do enlighten us. Because now she can pile up the dough speaking, and concentrate on running for President in 2012. I agree with Rick, it seems pretty obvious to me, but t…
  • I don't see what's so difficult to understand about why she resigned. Please do enlighten us. Because now she can pile up the dough speaking, and concentrate on running for President in 2012. I agree with Rick, it seems pretty obvious to me, but t…
  • For the title of greatest jazz label evar. covers: impulse close, respect to reid miles and francis wolf, but those gatefolds and orange black spines. Madness.... Blue Note in all respects by a mile. Got a lot going on, but had to chime in an…
  • From Quincy Jones may try to buy back Vibe magazine[/b] Vibe, one of the best-selling hip-hop magazines, shut down on Tuesday Founder, music producer Quincy Jones says he envisions an online future for Vibe Vibe's closure eliminates jobs…
  • I have this one on my wall: From the "American Dreamer" OST
  • One does wonder when the current wave of tribute mania will calm down. Playing a grip of MJ tunes, medleys or remixes seems right for a weekend party, but all MJ all the time seems to be verging on the crazy, not to mention maybe a bit exploitative.…
  • Bob Scaggs Lawyers.