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Member, Real Head


  • Yeah, whatever they recorded probably wasn't as funky as L Ron's first outing:
  • I don't think the line is so rigid at the early 80's, though that was the beginning of the end - there are tons of great cuts from the 90's and early 00's from lathes and engineers who were still, then in operation which are now long gone. We have b…
  • Man... As a guy who makes and sells new vinyl - that isn't cheap either - I guess i have mixed feelings about this and can;t help but feel a little disheartened about people saying they wont buy new vinyl. Fwiw, Day's vinyl was cut at Bernie Grundma…
  • That's a great question. I don't think so. But im no chemist - For instance I just found out (not the hard way) that if you heat raw vinyl (PVC) up past like 200 degrees (which isn't all that much IMO) it releases chlorine gas knock you on yo ass.
  • To take it a step further, there is only one true OG way to master for vinyl off of analog: You have your tape machine with 4 heads, and you have a throw switch behind it. The throw switch routes audio to path A and Path B, each of which has …
  • +1 for Furnace, by working in Germany they have skirted a lot of the issues local plants have faced with the supply chain and regulations @horseleech well, it's splitting hairs but yes - if I understand correctly the digital delay holds up t…
  • As far as I know, yes. Furnace has been having good results out of Germany.
  • In my experience, and again this is just anecdotal but i have seen a shit ton and hang with pros, 44/16 audio CDs account for the overwhelming majority of what gets turned in to lathe operators. And, more importantly, you could submit a goddamn DSD …
  • @jjfad That's a great question. It's not just a matter of spooling up a tape and playing the music while you cut the record. Lathes are equipped with a device called a pitch system which reads a "preview" stream of music and opens and closes…
  • Good thing they got Questlove to talk about him, he always provides invaluable insight to any of the 46,000 documentaries he's been in.
  • I wish it was a dubious comparison but its funny how most collectors have no idea about what Vinyl truly is and where it comes from. The fact is that it the pvc comes from now only one of two main suppliers, sold in giant drums of pellets - and pres…
  • Totally agree with you Doc and to add - 1) vinyl is short for polyvinyl chloride or PVC. This is a petroleum based product. Now ask yourself if vinyl prices have kept pace with gas prices since the early 90's? The short answer is hell no. Vin…
  • PRE ORDER SALES - Retrieve your free download: 1) Pull up your emailed receipt from your purchase - it was sent from info@pl70.com 2) Click on the link that says VIEW RECEIPT ONLINE 3) Click on the Download link Vinyl MFG got…
  • Indeed! I will be sending out an email to everyone with the download link code on their receipt. Working on it right now.. Also, the album is available on itunes today as well!
  • You know me? I'll humor you with a response. The 70 is 70 as in Bossa 70, Sergio and Brazil 70, etc. it's also for 70th and Vermont, and Neve 1070,1073. and for that matter you can meet me and mike on either 52nd and Vermont or in Pedro if y…
  • Record ships next week! Thanks to all who have presaled, still copies available http://pl70.net/morgan/. Here's a taste:
  • bassie said:batmon said:bassie said:Yup - tomatoes, celery, baby bok choy, red chard, carrots and hot banana peppers. They were out of green kale and the girl said that the purple decorative kale is also edible, just more bitter, so I decided to try…
  • thrope said:4YearGraduate said: i know I'm supposed to like Paul Williams because he's the president of Ascap and he wrote alot of good songs but lets be honest, his vocal work has never been notable. He had the worst song on Yo Gabba Gabba. …
  • I agree with some of the criticism on this. I have listened to it about 5 or 6 times now. It's a good record. My enthusiasm has waned because there are indeed a couple of genuine turds on there and a few masturbatory moments; i think that because it…
  • SoundOutLoud said:DocMcCoy said: No cynicism, no irony and none of the wanky fucking buffers people put between themselves and a genuine, honest emotional reaction to the music. Which might be why it's going to sail over the heads of all those peopl…
  • Man if Fragements of Time isn't time capsueld AOR at it's finest. fuck. They are straight tripping if this isn't the second single and they dont try to get this on KWAVE. Platinum plaques abound.Shit is pony-tail AM gold.
  • DocMcCoy said:4YearGraduate said:Oh man- a third of the way in and I think the general public is going to HATE this album. I'm on my second go round. One of my boys said it nearly sent him to sleep. I countered by saying I thought it'd…
  • Oh man- a third of the way in and I think the general public is going to HATE this album.
  • this is so good. god damn.
  • Liquid Benadryl makes my 5 year old son knock out - as it does any little kid. This morning I was treating his foot with a non-related benadryl lotion for a jellyfish sting he got and I briefly thought, damn i hope this doesnt make his foot …
  • haha beat me to it! thanks man and thanks to all the strut who have supported in the past. Presale available here: http://pl70.net/morgan/ also fwiw - Day's album is sold out and permanently out of print, I have no doubt this one will …
  • nevermind, wont feed.
  • DJ_Enki said:4YearGraduate said:Wow there has been alot of complete turds and bullshit featured in these. Swear to god they better not let me do one I WILL GO FUCKING IN. Have they seriously not even hollered at you about it? nope
  • And I had you pegged for a dude who might have received one at The ACE in a suite! b/w to bring it full circle on SS, Daft Punk allegedly received their complementary copy there!