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  • Little Miss Sunshine demographic. Yeah, that's how I see it - name drop-laden "wink wink that's so quirky!" dramedies that are relatively low-budget and award/festival bait. Generally not my cup of tea, but inoffensive.
  • I've been convinced of the public health benefits, but whenever this stuff is put up to a public vote, it really irritates me. This is probably because that people who have voted for it 99 times outta 100 cared more about the inconvenience of smell…
  • May I also add that T3 wasn't really all that bad even if it was very derivative of the previous two.
  • It'd be nice to have a video game flick where I could give it higher praise than "not too bad".
  • Why oh why won't Otis Smith take the expiring contracts and surplus of role playing shooters and get Orlando a second rebounder? They got rid of Bo Outlaw early in the season. I think they want to go w/ a faster open team. Lewis & Turkolu tak…
  • Why oh why won't Otis Smith take the expiring contracts and surplus of role playing shooters and get Orlando a second rebounder?
  • The Magic love to piss away a huge lead to teams they generally should beat in the third and fourth quarters. So far, this year's model looks pretty much like last year's, despite the addition of Lewis + Van Gundy.
  • I'm already sick of hearing "Dwight" and "Beast" in the same sentence.
  • Boston was bound to lose one to the juggernaut that is the Orlando Magic, who are destined to flounder in the 2nd round this year instead of the first.
  • As a Magic fan, I'm sad to see Ariza go (seemed to be finally coming into his own the last week or so and getting over the foot injury), but he was never going to get substantial time with Van Gundy at the helm and we needed a replacement for Battie…
  • Not really related, but I always got a kick out of the potential band names (usually surf rock sounding) we made up in Florida whenever we were under a hurricane watch/warning. Personal favorites include Ivan & The Price Gougers Hunker Down &a…
  • .... surprised nobody's done Ministry of Fear or Woman in the Window.... you're in luck, Woman in the Window came out a few months back: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PMFRW4/imdb-adbox/ Dunno how I missed that.... Thx! Was about to…
  • stretching out the playoff schedule does not help teams with tons of momentum how was the schedule stretched???????? As an aside not specific to this year's playoffs, I don't like how the day is set even if all series finish in less than 5/7 game…
  • As an aside, my Marlins bona fide are as follows - I publicly admit to being a Florida Marlins fan in 2007 and wear their jerseys regularly in public.
  • In all seriousness, can someone point out these "whiny" Sox fans who are claiming to be cursed? Because I don't know anybody around here talking that shit. We know we have a good team. We expected to be here or at least come close. Like Gareth said,…
  • Damn, Jonny - I understand you hate the Red Sox, but lately you just are coming off MAD, plain and simple. I mean, the Red Sox have won TWO World Series in the last 90 years ... in that time, the Yankees have won TWENTY-SIX. So, Sox fans aren't sup…
  • As an aside... The most irritating thing about the bandwagon dieheard Sox fans post-2001 is that they don't realize how annoying they are with their "no really it's still pre-2000 we're just the (other) lovable losers" mindset. At least bandwagon …
  • There are already different torrent options right now (see: indietorrents, libble, funkytorrents, demonoid, etc.), it's just that Oink's anal-retentive mods are what helped cultivate Oink into what it was, so it'll be awhile until there's a nice one…
  • So, that whole !!!/Liars/Outhud/etc. post-punk revival thing never existed? not in the realm of 6 digit record sales And Sufjan Stevens, Panda Bear, Devendra Banhart, etc. are in that realm? I mean, this is the same person who made a whole "INDIE…
  • So, that whole !!!/Liars/Outhud/etc. post-punk revival thing never existed?
  • Being a Marlins fan, I'm all about the Phillies being swept. But since this thread was started by a Mets fan:
  • I hope UCF can pull this off. That was there 1st game in the new arena ....I still can't belive UCF made a game of it....To bad they lost. I was bummed out for a bit right after it ended. I was so ready to run up and down the streets of Philad…
  • I would recommend using a site like Game Rankings to get a general idea of what games would appeal to you. You can search for best reviewed games by platform as well as genre: http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/simpleratings.asp?rankings=y …
  • At least we're spared from two weeks of Favre retrospective + passing the baton to Brady storyline crap. That would've been worse than "DID YOU KNOW BETTIS WAS FROM DETROIT?" 2 years ago.
  • Do NOT kick it to Hester! As an aside, why don't teams with suspect special teams coverage use their starting safeties and cornerbacks on punts instead of scrubs?
  • - If Tennessee is the dogshit team y'all say they are (and they probably are) then J Fish shoulda won Coach of the Year in a landslide. He had my vote. Let that team get Adam Jones back and some WRs and they'll be in the mix. Agreed on the Titans…
  • Another blowout loss (at least Hill looked good after Dilfer played his potentially last snap ever) and a fan died by falling from the upper balcony of the stadium during the game. Worst. 49ers. Season. Ever.
  • the calls themselves? I don't see any problem with those... The only questionable call was the holding...The right call was made..but refs usually don't throw that flag against the home team ..especially on 4th down....he wasn't going to catch t…
  • I thought the rule said only the head coach and players are allowed to take timeouts. ---------------- Article 3 The Referee shall suspend play while the ball is dead and declare a charged team time out upon the request for a time out by the hea…
  • Apparently, it's the same official as the Colts-Pats game. That explains the head-scratching PI call, the no call on roughing the punter, whistling the TO strip dead, etc.