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  • Great. It's about 11am, I've got a tonne of work to finish, and all I can think about is pizza. Now, can any Toronto people point me towards the best pizza in the city? And please, no Amato's nonsense. I mean some real deal stuff. Aser? I'm, looki…
  • Great. It's about 11am, I've got a tonne of work to finish, and all I can think about is pizza. Now, can any Toronto people point me towards the best pizza in the city? And please, no Amato's nonsense. I mean some real deal stuff. Aser? I'm, looki…
  • These are VERY dope. I'm really looking forward to listening to Caz when I get home. Thanks a lot!
  • The story... Check it I just wanted to urge EVERYONE to read this. Thanks for sharing this, Cosmo. It really got to me...
  • I've never been able to find out more info than just the basics on this story. Does anyone have a detailed account on what exactly happened here? I've basically read the same brief story a few times over. For a story of this proportion, I haven't se…
  • Well, speaking of Toronto. Isn't or didn't Play De Vintage close it's doors? I'm pretty sure it's going to be closing soon. Early 2007 from what I was told.
  • I ended up djing a really dope house party that my friend put together last second. I can't remember what exactly I was playing before midnight, but right after the countdown, kissing my girl, shaking hands and saying 'happy new years' for about a m…
  • I found out a day late, while sitting to diner at my folks' place. My dad asked me what I thought about his passing, and it was like a kick to the face. I can't explain it, but James Brown was just someone who I assumed would be around forever. Re…
  • I'm so happy I'm not throwing that kind of cash around to see acts past their prime considering how much money erick sermon makes off of "just like music" and "i'm hot" and that record with the bolly samples(hit records on many many clear channel …
  • Well, part of me is not surprised at all. DOR said it best... this is just a Toronto crowd acting like a Toronto crowd does.How many times have main acts not showed up cuz they couldn't get across the border? Exactly. Mind you, I don't remember an…
  • This pretty much sums up the 'T*n* Experience' right there... Happy belated my man. Sorry about not screaming at you last week, but I was away and you know the goods. Let's get shitfaced at that spot near my place. 90 choices of beer my frien…
  • A friend of mine works for a big online media company here in Toronto, and got a big promotion a while back. They were having this big company celebration for employees and clients at this bougie club here called This Is London. Really, not a place …
  • My biggest beef is when words like 'funk-a-licious' or 'funkdified' are thrown around. Who the fuck talks like this? Please leave the afro wig at home. Thanks. Yeah, you make a good point. People here in Fredericton were loving the band, but my …
  • The problem with bands like this, is that many times they got into 'funk' (whatever the hell that means nowadays) through the early 90's 'acid jazz' scene and never seemed to get past groups like Jamaroqui (really, I was about to look up the proper …
  • The Corner was great, for a mini-series, and a great precursor to The Wire. Mind you, this is all imho. The Corner made you see more than just the crackhead, and I thought it was well done. I mean, Corner and Wire are apples and oranges, but it was …
  • The missus and I watched that documentary last night, and I have to say I was pretty impressed. I was aware of the photo, and had seen it a couple times before (online). The comparison with the Vietnamese execution was pretty on point, seeing as it…
  • Dope! Thanks for the info guys. I've seen the trailer and reviews seem pretty glowing. I'm interested to see what they speak about in regards to the NOLA bounce stuff and Miami scene. Has anyone seen 'La Haine'? I…
  • Does anyone else remember seeing this? I remember Lyte being the girlfriend, I think... I watched this one morning, after I got up early around 4am, when I was in highschool. I turned on my tv and it was just starti…
  • I haven't seen it yet, but am planning this Sunday. I can see how this would remind you of Tremors, just from the trailers I've seen. For some reason, I think it would be great if the snakes had distinct personalities, a la Gremlins (who's 'Stripe' …
  • i will be forever indebted to the first person to post a torrent link.
  • It's funny (not haha, more introspective irony), but even though I've been going through some tough realizations about myself, I know that they're all for the better. Trying to just be a better person with each day. Sometimes it works, sometimes it …
  • I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it to this, but it looks like myself and the missus will be hitting it after all. Niceness. I see this show being packed, considering all the coverage it's been getting in Now and Eye. Aser, hit me on …
  • That looks like it was alot of fun. I'm gonna have to catch the dudes next time they're out this way. Yes! Pap with the rare cameo appreance... I barely even post here anymore, but I have to say that I had the best time I've had in a long ti…
  • Hey guys, so I bought a Lacie 160 (7200 RPM) harddrive for my computer. I was copying some files and then it was saying that I could compy some files because characters weren't recognized. The characters in question were ? / ! and a few more. I didn…
  • This is reeeaallly dope, Moss. As always, you come with the niceness. That bassline and the horns are rugged. Props on the moves, too. 'Once you got the funds, you got the panties too' So so true...
  • I didn't even know he had a new record. Kamikaze was one of my favorite records last year, but I also felt like he was on the verge of moving in a direction that I really couldn't get with... see that terd of a single "Hope". Really? I was let do…
  • they were in numbers at the ole Kop's records about 5/6 years ago. *A NOTE TO ALL TORONTO COLLECTORS: Kop's records will be removing the 45s section from the Toronto store and moving them back to England. Yes, we all know it is now just overpriced …
  • ...MEaty could make about how he got me to sell him this off eBay. You should ahve seen the emails K. fuck I need that one I holler at you and Dave should I come up on more of them. Kevin. I was wondering if anyone else's copy of this …
  • Shitty french disco, but the girl on the right always got me looking at the cover for a second. Anyone remember the place? DJ X always has a table at Aaron Keele's record fair. If you really need to get a hold of them, I'm sure calling Aar…