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Member, Real Head


  • Nice one. The samples mesh really well in Smashin'. If I had to guess I hear a little Hell's Belles or The Edge in there.
  • Really feeling Grasshopper. Good stuff man.
  • Tough one all right. I'm probably just reiterating what everyone else has said... 1. We Live In Brooklyn Baby 2. Running Away 3. Pretty Brown Skin 4. He's A Superstar 5. Brawling Broads
  • Your story reminds me of when I lived in the U.K. in my early to mid-twenties. Maybe not quite as hectic but there's some parallels. As someone already said if you're hitting 30 or above get the hell out of there. In fact I've debated moving …
  • "Take back the weed, take back the cocaine baby..."
  • bassie said: Yup. Oliver A bit different from these other films, but as far as movies that leave a lasting impression, The Damned and 1900 are up there for me. Not so much creepy thriller situations as vile soap operatic el…
    in (123) Comment by Gibbo September 2013
  • bassie said: All movies I love. And yes, the remake has Nicholas Cage in it. Enough said. I'd nearly forgive him for Raising Arizona and Adaptation... I also saw Ken Russell 'The Devils' recently. Phenomenal stuff...
    in (123) Comment by Gibbo September 2013
  • Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
  • I Only Have Eyes For You - The Flamingos It's In My Eyes - Minor Threat Brown Eyes - Fleetwood Mac
  • J i m s t e r said:Kes is well sad. That would be my overriding memory of it alright. We don't have moors where I'm from (are bogs similar?) but if cinema/folklore has taught me anything I'd be advised to take heed and stay off of them…
    in (123) Comment by Gibbo September 2013
  • skel said:og Wicker Man I'd forgotten they'd try to remake this. I never want to see it and it probably shouldn't exist at all. Speaking of The Wicker Man, I just saw Nicholas Roeg's 'Don't Look Now' at the weekend. It's got the same kind of c…
    in (123) Comment by Gibbo September 2013
  • The_Non said:Has anyone here read Fifty Shades of Grey? I'm assuming it's idiotic, but curious if someone has and what they thought. I find these acts of pop culture torture informative. I watched like 20 minutes of the last Twilight movie as a soci…
    in (123) Comment by Gibbo September 2013
  • The_Non said: I read a book the other day called Not In Front of the Servants discussing the life of servants in England from 17th-early 20th centuries, but primarily Victorian England. Some fascinating stuff, but a few things jumped out at me fo…
    in (123) Comment by Gibbo September 2013
  • skel said:Apologies gibbo, that first one wasn't aimed at you, rather at several dudes giving it I lurked for years, what's this dope ass breakz yo and then wondering why they get battered. And sticking to the music is fine, but generally tha…
  • skel said:New bodies who claim to have lurked for years and then clearly demonstrate they haven't....smfh. And as for not foisting opinions, that's what this and any other forum is all about. Sorry I meant to clarify that this is only i…
  • SP 1200 said:Maybe more newcomers should talk politics to encourage traffic. Not a hope. Like someone said those threads start out okay but by the end of the first page descend into complete clusterfucks. It's like watching a car crash in slow…
  • utters said:For me, it's Roots Reggae... I've finally found my entry point into the world of Jamaican music. I'm very fussy about vocals and production sound/mix but these ones I can listen to over and over Burning Spear- Marcus Garvey Max…
  • Guzzo said: This is a great album. Along with 'Sweetheart of the Rodeo', 'GP' & 'Grievous Angel', it was my gateway into country music.
  • HarveyCanal said:I've never been able to get beyond Songs to Learn and Sing (basically a greatest hits album) which I have long listened to religiously. One of these days though, full proper albums. Just not yet I guess. The first five albums …
  • I had this for awhile along with Crocodiles. I was actually about to throw it on the 'to sell' pile but gave it another few spins and it was in heavy rotation over the summer. I am now digging their whole catalog along with a whole bunch of …
  • Risingson said:I lost all interest in the Robocop remake when I found out it'll be PG13 Typical Hollywood's attempt at lowest common denominator attempt to reach everyone and appeal to no one. Why not just go the whole hog... airbrush out all …
  • Looks pretty forgettable to me. I mean, why bother? The original still holds up. Is it just a symptom of creative bankruptcy?
  • I love this album. Solid the whole way through.
  • That article was cringe worthy... 'Real listening experiences' b/w 'I had no friends as a kid but I had records that was waaaay better'? I think the thread that was posted a while ago about how vinyl is cut these days confirmed a lot of my su…
  • Yep, it looks secure alright The new plinth is a nice addition. It might be hard to keep it clean of all the puke and piss that accumulates in that area at night. But it's nice that the city has honoured him fittingly.
  • mickalphabet said:it was, two drunk fellas mashed it up going home hammered one night, they owned up to it next day and the aforementioned mother of Lynott asked the police not to prosecute and even invited the lads to the re-unveiling after it was …
  • This thread prompted me to check out the song. I'd never heard of the guy before. I guess it does sound a bit like Got To Give It Up but I wouldn't think it was close enough to sue. If I had any issue with Blurred Lines is that the production sounds…
  • bassie said:Not sure if the Board's demographic has changed or enough time has passed to show what has persevered and what hasn't (or both), but I am surprised to see some of the candidates named and seconded, thirded. Just as an example, a few year…
  • staxwax said:Wow. This thread is so full of win. I agree with 90% of stuff raised here. digable planets indeed. and hell yeah to jay z the roots and fugees albums sucking ass Pauls Boutique, Illmatic, Bizarre Ride, Doggystyle, Livin' …