RECORD TALK!!!-Jazzy Psych Related LP's

NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
edited November 2015 in Music Talk
I really like jazz influenced Psych Rock Music. Rock with horns and shit. Maybe a female moaning.Do you know anything else on the similar vibe?I categorize these into the same pile of shit. Barely any talk about music. Anybody?


  • Nate - Kingmost only gets fucked by frat boys. Thought this information might be of some value to you...

    Music? What's that?

  • nate, you like anything else on that affinity record? i only like the first track, from what i remember. the Giant LP is kinda good. grootna. 50 foot hose is the shit, just for rose. finally got that thanks to legend (where he at?)
    cold blood has its moments on sisyphus LP. thats all easy to cop too.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    First groups that pop into my mind when I think of jazz influenced psyche is Air and Spirit.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    It's not jazzy and may or may not be psyche, but I don't want to start another thread to ask if this is any good:

    It's sitting at one of those shops with no listening station and they don't allow portables.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    nate, you like anything else on that affinity record? i only like the first track, from what i remember. the Giant LP is kinda good. grootna. 50 foot hose is the shit, just for rose. finally got that thanks to legend (where he at?)
    cold blood has its moments on sisyphus LP. thats all easy to cop too.

    You didn't like Mr. Joy? That's that shit. I thought it was funny, Air's got a track called "Mr. Man", Affinity gots a track called "Mr. Joy".

    I thought the whole LP was a killer listen.

    I just at this naasty ass gyro from this gas station.

    I'm touching cloth & growing a tale in tandem.

  • CaMKIIaCaMKIIa 269 Posts
    giant crab - "a giant crab comes forth" is kinda psychpop with some obvious soul influence. don't have a cover for this one though (anyone?). it has some great moments (around the middle to end), but starts off kinda weak.

    the fifty foot hose album is's really well recorded and stands the test of time pretty well, imo. what i personally like about it (which would put some people off, perhaps) is the completely unecessary use of electronics...the synth stuff on the entire album sounds like they didn't really know what they were very self-indulgent, but it adds a certain "weird" quality to it. the repeating riff in the first track is so great though.

    how about these guys?

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    I'm listening to The Revelations - Help LP right now. Nice Jazz with Psych touches. But more on a funky edge. The group is from Italy.
    I love the Chris Harwood - Nice To Meet Miss Christine LP. I got the reissue. It's "beyond dope". One of the best records ever. Make sure to check it out if you're looking for Psych/Jazz/Folk records!

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    Oh, if you're looking for Jazz Rock with horns, make sure to give the TNTH band Lp a listen. It's a Belgian band. I love their stuff.

  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts
    just to clarify- what makes something get classified as psych?

    is it fuzz guitar or something actually psychadelic about the mix, the era, etc.

    I see lots of things w/ the psych namebrand, but little else to fill it out. Why can't something that has fuzz guitar be garage or surf or even just funk.

    not saying any of the above mentioned albums have psych moves or don't. just wondering.

    carry on.

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    It's not jazzy and may or may not be psyche, but I don't want to start another thread to ask if this is any good:

    It's sitting at one of those shops with no listening station and they don't allow portables.

    ehh. I have it. Kinda unremarkable upon semi-focused needle drop.

    jazz influenced psych.
    sounds like another demon fuzz beef thread if you ask me.
    nah. I don't know anything about genres. my mind is a burning cloud.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    alot of good cantebury jazzy / prog / psych

    Caravan - If I Could Do It All Over Again, I'd Do It All Over You

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    just to clarify- what makes something get classified as psych?

    is it fuzz guitar or something actually psychadelic about the mix, the era, etc.

    I see lots of things w/ the psych namebrand, but little else to fill it out. Why can't something that has fuzz guitar be garage or surf or even just funk.

    not saying any of the above mentioned albums have psych moves or don't. just wondering.

    carry on.

    What is the difference between Garage & Psych?

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts

    What is the difference between Garage & Psych?

    Psych = drug addicts playing music for drug addicts (recorded in a studio)
    Garage = drug addicts recorded while praticing in their garage

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    ]just to clarify- what makes something get classified as psych?

    is it fuzz guitar or something actually psychadelic about the mix, the era, etc.

    I see lots of things w/ the psych namebrand, but little else to fill it out. Why can't something that has fuzz guitar be garage or surf or even just funk.

    It's not about the instrument, it's the music. I've heard "jazzy psych" that hardly has any fuzz at all (the Free Spirits) and I've heard country records with fuzz guitar that aren't psych by any definition.

    What is the difference between Garage & Psych?

    The difference between "Louie Louie" and "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts' Club Band."

    And there are some bands/songs that are garage and psych simultaneously (Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Electric Prunes).

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    And there are some bands/songs that are garage and psych simultaneously (Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Electric Prunes).

    I wouldn't necessarily call the Prunes a garage band, would you?

  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts

    What is the difference between Garage & Psych?

    Psych = drug addicts playing music for drug addicts (recorded in a studio)
    Garage = drug addicts recorded while praticing in their garage

    i don't have the answers but it's obviously a lot more complicated than this.

    there are things which cross genres of course. The same as say- what is northern soul- or i hate to bring it up again: what is modern soul, or boogie for that matter.

    there are definitely garage groups which crossover into psych and psych groups which crossover into garage, etc. but there are a lot of distinctions in the sound, i think.

    first of all, the majority of rare garage was released as 45's. And yes, recorded in garages. i would think a heavier, rock sound.

    less psych released as 45s, mostly albums. maybe more concept oriented, dreamier in places.

    wasn't getting at a particular instrument, but it's pretty much the fuzz guitar that grabs collectors from each circle.

    just bringing this up because i've seen numerous threads about psych records with lots of titles mentioned that I never would have classified as psych nor would most psych collectors. there's plenty of other places to learn about this stuff.

  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts

    And there are some bands/songs that are garage and psych simultaneously (Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Electric Prunes).

    I wouldn't necessarily call the Prunes a garage band, would you?

    what about the california raisins? definitely a garage band. but then again, to become raisins you would need to be in the sun, so maybe psych.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    And there are some bands/songs that are garage and psych simultaneously (Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Electric Prunes).

    I wouldn't necessarily call the Prunes a garage band, would you?

    what about the california raisins?

    All SOUL, bro. All SOUL.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts

    And there are some bands/songs that are garage and psych simultaneously (Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Electric Prunes).

    I wouldn't necessarily call the Prunes a garage band, would you?

    Just did. Their big hit, "I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night," is definitely in the garage vein.

    Now as far as the stuff they did later with David Axelrod (and after), that's another story!

    And just so it doesn't look like I'm hijacking this thread - any opinions on that jazz-psych Jeremy & the Satyrs album on Reprise?

  • And there are some bands/songs that are garage and psych simultaneously (Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Electric Prunes).

    I wouldn't necessarily call the Prunes a garage band, would you?

    Just did. Their big hit, "I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night," is definitely in the garage vein.

    Now as far as the stuff they did later with David Axelrod (and after), that's another story!

    And just so it doesn't look like I'm hijacking this thread - any opinions on that jazz-psych Jeremy & the Satyrs album on Reprise?

    I only have one of their 45s, but I would say it's pretty pedestrian rock stuff. Nothing jazzy or psyche about it. Nothing to indicate where Steig was headed...

  • roistoroisto 881 Posts
    The Albert on Perception (the one w/ the Charizma and PBW sample) and Wool on ABC are kinda nice in this style of music.

  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts

    And there are some bands/songs that are garage and psych simultaneously (Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Electric Prunes).

    I wouldn't necessarily call the Prunes a garage band, would you?

    what about the california raisins?

    All SOUL, bro. All SOUL.


    but would you say Garage soul, Blue Eyed Soul, Wrinkled popsike soul, psychadelic fruit mix pedestrian rock-soul. qualify yer genre.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts

    You didn't like Mr. Joy? That's that shit. I thought it was funny, Air's got a track called "Mr. Man", Affinity gots a track called "Mr. Joy".

    ...and Edition Special has "Mr. Business".

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts

    What is the difference between Garage & Psych?

    Psych = drug addicts playing music for drug addicts (recorded in a studio)
    Garage = drug addicts recorded while praticing in their garage

    I disagree. You do not need drugs, a garage, or a studio to make either of these genres.

    Garage came first. Appeared in the early 60s, and peaked at '66. Psych was a little bit later although the two overlapped at one point.

    Garage rock, was from guys who were just playing simple rock'n roll. cue: 'louie louie'. The Fender guitar was beggining to make its way into homes, and a million local bands started up accross the US (and yes mostly practiced in their garage hence the name). Since these guys were younger, their sound was a bit more aggressive, this is when distortion (ie fuzz) started to come in. Some may have been into drugs, but most were good teenagers who made it home before curfew.
    It was these guys and their peers who later made the move to psych/drug music. The hippie stoner sceen was peaking around '68-'69 and that is when the best psych music came out. However, it should also be known that not all psych bands were on drugs.

  • Trifle - First Meeting
    Roundhouse - Scuse Me

    and more common

    Chicago Transit Authority - S/T

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    And just so it doesn't look like I'm hijacking this thread - any opinions on that jazz-psych Jeremy & the Satyrs album on Reprise?

    I only have one of their 45s, but I would say it's pretty pedestrian rock stuff. Nothing jazzy or psyche about it. Nothing to indicate where Steig was headed...

    yeah, I had the lp - not that good. Really kinda blah blues-rock stuff.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    knewjack pretty much nailed it

    the term 'psych' is abused and misused constantly, and i'm including this site

    its one of those things thats just hard to explain, but i know true psych when i hear it

    there have always been psych and garage bands since the 60s, and while garage bands hit the top 10 every once in a while, psych bands haven't since the early 70s. few bands from the past 30 years that have been labeled psych live up to the title however...

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    oh and horns would almost never be involved when discussing real psych bands... thats just a no-no (these bands would be labeled 'commercial' by collectors), though as has been said, instrumentation isn't defined or anything...

    and i like the jeremy & the satyrs record, but i'm just a fan of heavy bluesy rock of the period...

  • slushslush 691 Posts

    actually the manfredmannchapter3 shit that im listening to right nfuckin now would prolly fit the beeel.

    i love cauldron though. and id love to heard anything that sounds like theit version of god bless the child
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