JRoot Appreciation (defrozified-related)

BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
edited September 2005 in Strut Central
JRoot only has 3 visible posts on the 'strut server, but his contribution to this "community," while nearly invisible, is completely inspiring. When the account was frozen, several people sent me PMs and e-mails offering help (thank you) and/or words of encouragement.

JRoot, while faceless to many, came with some next-level real world move bustin' assistance, on some I've reviewed the Paypal User Agreement, and assuming you have a business account, the portions of the agreement that are going to be most relevant here are the "Closing accounts and limiting account access" agreement -- which is downright concise at two pages in length -- and Section 5.3 of the main user agreement, regarding withdrawals-type shit. :fuckingfacemelt:

I don't want to blow his spot, but JRoot's got a lot going on in his life right now (as in, congratulations are in order), and his dayjob demands that yacht-status responsibility. Besides the stress of being back among the working weekers after some time off, he had to fly out of state on business (you know how we do). He managed to send me an email the night before his flight, call me from the road, and send an email from a cafe after arriving early to his work appointment. That's not all... Dude was up at 2am that night (after getting up at 4am, a full day of out-of-state work, 2 plane rides, and putting in a few hours with the family) reviewing the legalities of our paypal situation, sending me a detailed e-mail of the exact issues involved in the "freeze." JRoot's commitment to this problem (as well as his desire for the express-lane-style solution) has been humbling. Truly. The man deserves our respect.

When I realized just how fucked I would have been if it weren't for JRoot, I asked him what I could do to repay him for (what seemed like weeks of) his time on this mess, he replied, "Fuggedaboutit... This is what community is about." I've never even met this dude, and he's up at 2am helping me (us)... damn, right? This is what community is about.

So you know, Paypal backed off less than one business day after receiving my letter explaining what we were doing with the money. The account is working again, and I've been transferring money into the Vanguard account (I have to do it in small chunks as to not spur another freeze, or another PATRIOT Act red flag). The donations are underway, and as soon as I get receipts I'll post them for everyone to see. There's been a little hiccup in matching the money that exceeds $20,000 (deepstank's limit), so we have about 10grand that's unmatched that we need to find a home for (paging Herm?).

This process has taken much longer than I expected, but 'strutters -- besides showing generosity -- have been very helpful and understanding. DJ Ferrari sounds like he's got a nice program in mind for future heatrocks, but I'll let him unveil it.

I'll be out of town for a bit (asprin can answer any questions), but know the money is safely ours again, thanks to JRoot. I should note that faux_rills provided considerable legal advice as well. Thanks to him are in order. Soulstrut Legal??? -- Not To Be Fucked With??. Yact life is the new thug life, apparently.

I doubt this post will coax him out of hiding, but I wanted to publicly speak up about JRoot's commitment to this heatrock campaign, and let everyone know just how hard he worked on this project. It should be noted that JRoot, being a Chi-Town resident, also has that gift of grammar. It's something in the water, I guess. Not only has his help been helpful, but it's been a joy just being witness to his wordsmithery.

Thank you JRoot.


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    No doubt, a lifetime SoulStrut MVP. The board is definitely a poorer place for the fact that he's not around much these days.


  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts

    while faceless to many...

    jroot is that dude.

  • No doubt, a lifetime SoulStrut MVP. The board is definitely a poorer place for the fact that he's not around much these days.

    Jroot is one of the reasons my hermit ass can now consider the wonderfull state of Illinois my home. I've only met him once (I think), but he is one of those dudes that makes everyone around him try harder. A truely genuine person. I am proud to say I've been blessed with his presence.

    uhh yeah. Do what you gotta do J.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,900 Posts

  • respect indeed mr. root. thank you!

  • Thanks very much, J. Your posts were always on point--all killer, no filler, every time. I sincerely miss your contributions to the visible side of this board, but very sincerely appreciate your less-visible contributions.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    j gets my root going every morning... thanks!

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    he is one of those dudes that makes everyone around him try harder. A truely genuine person.

    Well put, as usual. Root keeps a low profile for his own good reasons (which I will respect), but remains a quiet catalyst, genuine as they come, an absolute beast at the steam table, and I can attest that as cool and deadly as he seems in this life that of zeroes and ones, he's even more so if you catch him out in the world. You know how there's always someone yapping about, like, "Yo, if you think that's some shit, you should check out my cousin..."? Well, JRoot is that cousin--perhaps not recognized by everyone, but recognized by those those that recognize. Dude puts in some fuckin' work.

    Chicago: Home Of The Dusties.

    Thanks and appreciation, JRoot.

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    Hommie is the truth. Selfless in his help and a pleasure to alway deal with. I miss his top 200? moments of soulstrut post...can we dig that up anywhere?

  • I miss his presence in these forums. But it's always good to know that the man is just one lunch agreement away.

    Much respect and appreciation over here.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

  • a quiet catalyst

    I touched down in Chicago for a few days last year, and JRoot put me, Sketch, James, Terry_Clubbup, and Robzilla in the same room. I met some folks for whom I have a tremendous amount of personal respect and had a blast my last day in the windy. He managed to do this all without ever showing his face. A commitment to community from the shadows, for real. Finally met the man (the myth) when he showed up at Good Records NYC. Was then and remains today the biggest smartest ass that has graced the shop, and that is really saying something. Record dudeness begs smartassery and I run with some formidable smart asses. Take note, smart dumb diggaz. Here's to JRoot, who shows his ass every fucking day on this shit and is one of the smartest dudes in the game.

  • a quiet catalyst

    A commitment to community from the shadows, for real.


    I wanna go slumpsided

    Before I get ghost, and as a better way of offering this thread more worthy of your discussion than a picture of an ass in someone's avatar, or saying, simply, "bump," I wanted to post this song I just listened to. It's a poem, actually. But it sings. I just had one of those ...stop.everything... moments.


    It's not a rare recording. But it's rarely discussed (as Google tells me there are two listings on the Internet referencing the title of the poem, and no websites actually citing the lyrics). The author, however, is an occasional victim of the Soulstrut hatefest. Say what you want about dude (who, for the moment, will go nameless, lest you should be predisposed to judgement before actually considering the words), but his verse moved me.

    It's a poem about New Orleans tradition. Specifically, burial. Timely, don't you think? He says of his own burial procession:

    I want three fat greasy hoes in red on one side

    and three Creole queens seven foot tall on the other

    lowering me in the ground from seven golden chains.

    But on the way I want my casket dragged by

    thirteen giant snakes painted bright ruby red

    and on top of that gold and silver fliptop cigar...

    I want a three-headed purple nigger baby

    blowing eleven connected bugles full of burning nappy hair

    and smearing the top with his muddy feet

    and pissing in the tracks left by my coffin's dragging

    and six devil's feet behind.

    I want a crowd of blue-eyed baboons

    sucking the yellow out of those lines

    My casket be leavin, on the way to the bone orchard.

    The poem is titled, "A Death Request." I can't help but feel from it, considering what must be many a death request in New Orleans lately. And it's hard to think about our heatrock campaign without thinking of those deaths. And it's hard to think of our heatrock campaign without thinking of JRoot.


    I wanna go slumpsided

    (all things)

    "Death Request (A Folk Song)"

    If you need an mp3 in your life right now, you should get with this. It's proper. Recorded live at the Apollo in '73. Yeah, there were bongo players present. If you are technologically unable to get with the ones and zeroes, let me quote my man again, cause it's beautiful like that:

    I want my grave note to say, in gold and silver:

    "To dirt, sin, low life, and fast women

    with river hips who baptized him nightly

    This young man was no stranger

    And when he sat his black ass down

    His butthole stamped down... DANGER[/b]"

  • Man, one time, last year when I was dating this guy Lars, I tried to
    send him a little cute e-mail before I left work...in my haste I accidentally
    sent it to JRoot! It was one of those things where like I saw that it was
    the wrong address but my brain couldn't tell my "Enter" finger fast enough,
    so JRizzo logs in to read some things like:

    "Hey Pardner, really looking forward to the steak, I'll bring
    some good salsa and you can bet you'll get a ride on the Backrub Express!
    Choo-Choo! Hugs, Terry"

    And I was like "damn".

    I got on the cell and pleaded with JR not to post it to soulstrut,
    and promised him 50 dollars in hush records.

    Well, as many of you know, not only did he post it to Soulstrut, he
    also printed it out and brought it to the next Soulstrut luncheon!
    I was mortified.
    But you know what, out of the whole experience I got a bunch of
    calls from friends I hadn't heard from in awhile, and then ended
    up getting an interview and then a new, much better job out of
    the whole thing! So you see, JRoot knows best!

    This other time, we were all at lunch at Gaylords, and JRoot and I
    were having a butter chicken competition. I can't remember exactly
    how it came about, but JR knew I was experiencing a bout of low
    self-esteem. So he was like touching his stomach, like, "oh I just
    can't have any more...I'm thru."
    He even allowed me to gloat
    for a few minutes because I had almost finish three plates.


    So I know he wasn't full.

    This other time, about 2 a.m. one night/morning, I was stuck at
    this 24 hour mechanic holding my Mazda 3 hostage to the tune of
    $880, it was 12 degrees outside and all I've got on are some
    tights, some cheap old clogs, and an Arby's uniform (long story),
    didn't even have a coat.

    I was all like, I refuse to get horse-fucked over a replacement
    hose and a radiator flush!
    but that little Polish midget wouldn't
    budge, he kept just whistling, working on some other sad-sack's Montero,
    pretending like I wasn't even there.

    I was like "I know my goddamn key is in your front pocket because
    you were about to give it to me, I'm not afraid to go digging in your
    pocket, don't make me get shitty with you, and don't pretend like you
    wouldn't enjoy it anyway you little tater tot PRICK!"

    The guy silently points to a sign that says:


    I'm like "yeah? I'll call my lawyer!"

    So I call JRoot...just imagine...it's 2:00 am on a weekday and you get
    a call from Terry Clizzo just having a hissy fit.
    Patient and helpful men have hung up on me in the past while I call
    from lockup, call from last call, call stranded at some intersection
    I can't even name one street of.
    But JRoot just listened, and then he was like "can you get the mechanic
    on the phone?"

    The mechanic looked suspicious, but grabbed the phone and said hello.
    He listened for about a minute.
    Then he began babbling in Polish for about 2 minutes, and I couldn't
    get a good read on him...alls I know is that after all the Polish
    gibberish he paused and said "O.K. so 200 dollers."

    The dingy mechanics office seemed to suddenly glow soft-white, where
    before it was an aggressive flourescent.
    I also smelled a note of cinnamon & clove potpourri, which I hadn't
    noticed before.
    And the boombox in the garage work area was playing "Your Love Has
    Lifted Me Higher" by Rita Coolidge -- one of my top ten faves --
    where before it had been squelching out some awful bitter conservative
    talk radio.

    Now, I'm not dumb, I know that there's the "Chicago Way" where business
    gets handled in unorthodox manners, but whatever JRoot told to that
    mechanic must've been way, way above and beyond.

    It's almost like, if you'll allow me, some kind of Social Alchemy!

    Also, I just wanted to say that my trashy lifestyle doesn't deter
    JRoot from hanging out AND helping out.

    That's not a do-gooder, that, my friends, is a gentleman.

  • And when he sat his black ass down
    His butthole stamped down... DANGER[/b]"


    I mean like JRoot can get you front row balcony to Wicked!

    When I sit my white ass down my butthole stamps "GUILTY AS CHARGED"[/b].

    What's your stamp say?


    Hoes running round on high ground

    Makes me fell like a one-legged politician giving a stump speech.

    Sit your asses down and

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    All I can say is wow

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    All I can say is wow

    yeah, i definitely dont even know dude at all, but some good people are giving respect with some good stories. sounds like a class act. proppers.

  • Yarns of the ilk spun by Tea Club.Burp in this very thread make me want to start a (tippin' on faux) Faux_Rillz Appreciation Thread, just to see what kinda dickie he'd knit (no moehly moehl).

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    (no moehly moehl).

  • and he knows shit you said that you dont even remember saying!

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    Knowing how anal ebay/paypal is, I could only imagine the hell they wrung you guys through. Without professional legal advice, we would've faced a similar predicament to those other msg boards. Extremely glad to hear we've managed to outplay them in their game of chess.

    kudos to all involved and glad to see the money going to the right place.....

    I recommend everybody to clear out any old clothing. I went through 5 garbage bags this past week and dropped it off at a katrina clothing drive. It's very liberating to purge once in a while, plus you'll also help those in need.

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    and he knows shit you said that you dont even remember saying!

    the all seeing

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    and he knows shit you said that you dont even remember saying!

    Oh MAN remember that?!

    JRoot gets tons of respect from me, no question.

    And on behalf of everyone, THANK YOU[/b].

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    RADD, dude is on some superlawyer tip. KUDOS and PROPZ!
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